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  1. Grakon

    Story divergences problems

    It was the same character I was able to get both outcomes. The first character I finished the quest with questioning her and got the outcome with the smoke cloud. Then I started over, got to the quest, sold my soul to Keros to become a kitsune, did the quest, questioned her, got the smoke cloud...
  2. Grakon

    Story divergences problems

    Well, at the winter city, I don't think the outcome has to do with whether you romance her or not, it's how long you spend talking to her. The first time I did that fight, I questioned her to try and figure out more about what her plans were, and the portal got attacked. The second time I...
  3. Grakon

    Who is your favorite companion?

    Very true, the relationship between Cait and the champion is really special, asking for more would be selfish. Sometimes it's better to just enjoy what you have rather than try to get more. Also, the roleplaying bit, I probably will at some point, partly because I want to play a mage rather...
  4. Grakon

    Who is your favorite companion?

    Hmm, tough choice. Etheryn is probably my favorite, I love the way she changes with her confidence, plus she's so adorable. When you're made a Marcher Baron, and she's just standing there smiling at you saying "My Baron" Just one of many times I wanted to give her a hug. Cait is a very close...