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  1. MagusErebus

    [WIP] Reasner Family Expasion Pack

    OK that solves that :catte:. Got any plans on why Beatrice is infertile? It's kinda hard to read docs and comment whilst on the phone but she's terran and since she's got her own ship IIRC shouldn't she be moderately wealthy? Unless it's spess magick I don't see anything really stopping a terran...
  2. MagusErebus

    [WIP] Reasner Family Expasion Pack

    Yes I've read Tacits post on the PC not being able to impregnate Beatrice on the previous thread, that was also when none of us knew that the husband was going to be fuckable. From what I gathered at the time of that post it was just a one-sided cheating (yes I already know it's not really...
  3. MagusErebus

    [WIP] Reasner Family Expasion Pack

    I'm not Tacit so I can't say how the Reasner couple would feel on the issue, but for a couple that hasn't been able to have children and has adopted I don't think having a baby of their own is the be all and end all on their priority list so if Beatrice were to be pregnant with Mr. Reasner and...
  4. MagusErebus

    [WIP] Reasner Family Expasion Pack

    Expanding on what @flying_moustache said the PC could pay for some space-procedure/quest for a cure that either fixes the Reasner couples sperm or eggs (whichever is causing the issue on no preggers). And Beatrice could have fraternal-twins with the PC and her husband for a win-win situation...
  5. MagusErebus

    Swiss Army Groins: What is the appeal?

    @Ormael Yeah I mentioned that albeit in a way assuming everyone already knew about the TF. PC knotting was a somewhat rare extra few sentences in CoC where IIRC only happened if PC had a doggo dick (obvs) and fucked a canis-morph. Where as TiTS has Knot-A-Problem and I think more than half of...
  6. MagusErebus

    Swiss Army Groins: What is the appeal?

    I rolled with genital slit w/ 10 tentacle dicks of varying sizes in CoC and do the same in TiTS. There isn't really any scenes in TiTS (at least that I'm aware off) that need specific dongers. It's all just based on size or some dickings being gated on whether you're a taur or not and NPC...
  7. MagusErebus

    Ridiculous/hilarious hentai plots/quotes

    There's this Pokemon doujins with funny english translations. "You did it fox-waifu!"
  8. MagusErebus

    Platinum 190

    Remember the one time scene slightly better now, yeah they're not married and IIRC Kaede was kinda upset she decided not to take space-morning after? Syri I can see having a heart erection for Steele since Steele does the things she enjoys, but as it is now now I see Syri liking Steele as a...
  9. MagusErebus

    Platinum 190

    I get that Anno and Kaede are in an open relationship but isn't Kaede already married to the cow-cat and has a kid with said cow-cat? This also made me realize apart from Embry, Emmy and Kiro, AFAIK Steele holds no special place in anyone's heart apart from being a good dick/pussy and or fits...
  10. MagusErebus

    One & Omi

    ^ This. There could even be factions on whatever planet they live on that are at war with each other. Like Amazonian Futas, Mature Onee-chans/Kaa-sans, and Cute Traps. Space Weebs who emulate anime speak and model their bodies and sexuality on hentai tags.
  11. MagusErebus

    Would You Play?

    Like, if TiTS from the start was just gonna be a text RPG or what we have right now sans smut? Both those options I'd probably spend 10-20 minutes playing and then forget about it. Even if TiTS at the start was geared towards a cool sci-fi story and game play, no one (IMO) would really wanna...
  12. MagusErebus

    Another Living Armor

    This scratch your itch?
  13. MagusErebus

    Ridiculous/hilarious hentai plots/quotes

    The hentai that was translated into bogan english. 'Nuff said.
  14. MagusErebus

    Another Living Armor

    You also could just embrace the spess magick and just let Paras be a baby/fledgling eldritch horror. Let it hide in a sub dimension the exact same as Steele dimension (maybe it looks like everything is made of flesh or tentacles IDK) and it just follows Steele around, like a ghost. Here's some...
  15. MagusErebus

    Another Living Armor

    It only feels spess magicky because Paras seems to be more of solid symbiote rather than a liquid one. A work around I could see is that the soft TF could of just merged their bodies together so there's no distinction to which body part is who's. Just 2 consciousnesses in one body that can...
  16. MagusErebus

    But what really is a doggo?

    Pretty sure everything but doggo, pupper and 'le doge is made up or I've never heard of them. And if those names are actually used, refer to image.
  17. MagusErebus

    One & Omi

    That'd be a great silly mode feature along with sufficiently Oni'd PC's when talking to other Onis going full on weeb speak. Like Brute/Ditz Speech but with ~desu and tuturu~ ♫, all that jazz.    But Rachnera can't wear lower body clothing.
  18. MagusErebus

    One & Omi

    Make them space weebs that see MonMusu and MonsterGirlQuest as the pinacle of art/their bible. That way best grill can be cosplayed in spess.
  19. MagusErebus

    Another Living Armor

    Doc looks good, was just wondering how you planned for the Tenta-Suit to burrow/retract back into Steele since it seems to be a solid and in my mind no amount of hollow spaces in bones/body/etc etc would house it apart from spess magik. You could make the Tenta-Suit like a sentient blacklight...
  20. MagusErebus

    Another Living Armor

    Best in Slot.