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  1. P

    A question about Garth

    So I just finished the and was talking to her and asked about Garth. She mentions that he'd . I know about, but who is the other one? I don't think I've seen them, or uncovered the history there, so maybe it shouldn't pop up in her dialogue. That said, it has been a while since I played, and...
  2. P

    Is there any way to gain multiple rows of breasts yet?

    Good to know, thanks. I figured the TFs undoing those things was just in case something went wrong. I didn't even think about Kitsune tails. Think I'd be interested in a way to gain a second pair of horns, if it is easy enough to differentiate them. I hope the balls becomes a yes one day, but...
  3. P

    Is there any way to gain multiple rows of breasts yet?

    On a related note, multiple horns, tails, and balls are off limits right? I only ask because several of the TFs on the wiki explicitly address having more - usually to drop down to two horns or balls, and one tail. There's even a thing for horns that affects if you have only one horn, which I...
  4. P

    Are there any TFs for coloring your cock in the works? If not, what would be needed to make one?

    Fair enough. I'll leave them in for now and just see what happens whenever I actually finish it and try to submit it.
  5. P

    Are there any TFs for coloring your cock in the works? If not, what would be needed to make one?

    A while ago I started writing a character who would sell flowers that could be used in alchemy to change colors of bodyparts. Then they added the hair dresser with her dyes and I never got around to finishing it. Maybe I should do that and submit it. I've never actually submitted anything...
  6. P

    Ball Size needs a hard limit

    I thought that might have been the case. I knew extra arms/legs/leg replacements weren't a thing for that reason, just wondered since there were items the wiki claimed removed extra breasts or balls. Thanks anyway.
  7. P

    Ball Size needs a hard limit

    On that note, and only slightly off topic... Can you actually get more than two balls in CoC2? It is set up to allow it, and the wiki has a few things that can remove extra sets, but without editing a save I haven't seen anything that changes how many you have beyond setting it to 0 or 2. Same...
  8. P

    Ball Size needs a hard limit

    41 without the perk, actually, if you use one of the events after the centaurs. Might have been the halloween one?