Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Agnimitra with 4,000 words! This is primarily talk topics and logistics - you can't just have two related ladies jump into bed with you. But it's almost entirely finished now, and the actual porn - or well, the foreplay - will begin with the next update.
You note that she’s awfully comfortable talking about her ‘great-grandma’ using words and tones that… well, most people wouldn’t really use for family members. She keeps mentioning just how sexy Agnimitra is, and while you’re not disagreeing…

“I’m just calling it like I see it,” she laughs. “When I was just a chick, and I knew great-grandma at her youngest, she was still older than she is now, physically. She’s practically a completely different woman from what I knew.”

You aren’t sure if you’re going to get a better opening, so you take the chance and ask her if she would like to know Agnimitra as a woman, and not as her great-grandma. She just said that Agnimitra isn’t the same woman she grew up with, after all.

Zhara’s expression freezes, her brow fidgeting as she tries to put together what it is you just asked her. “Are you asking me if I want to fuck my great-grandma?” she asks, tilting her head and raising her cheeks, although you wouldn’t rightly call the expression a smile. She’s bewildered and trying to put your roundabout question to clearer words.
“On the one hand,” she says slowly, trying to explain it more to herself than to you. “Agni isn’t actually my great-grandma. It’s something like eighteen or nineteen generations between us, not just four. But even still, no, I do not want to have sex with my mom’s mom’s mom. And now that she’s young again, the resemblance between us is pretty surreal, even I have to admit.”

She shrugs her shoulders and tilts her head to the other side. “But on the other, I <b>could</b> fuck the legendary phoenix. Go to somewhere else in the world, where nobody knows me or Agni, and say ‘the mythical undying fire-throwing harpy? Yeah, I fucked her.’ And yeah, I’ll say it: she’s hot as sin. I know that because <b>I’m</b> hot as sin,” she laughs. “It’s narcissistic as hell, but, shit,” she continues, slapping her own left thigh, “I wouldn’t mind having thighs like these wrapped around my face from time to time.”

She remains silent for a moment longer. You keep your mouth shut: anything you say could make her lose her nerve. Besides, she’s doing a perfectly fine job convincing herself.

“Fuck it,” she says eventually. “Great – or, Agni, she’s a legend among our people. How often would I have the chance to have a piece of that?”

So, if the opportunity arose…?

“Yeah, I would,” she answers without hesitation, having finally convinced herself. “Although it’d be easier if I got a bit of beer into me, first. And it’s not going to be as simple as going up to her and making a pass. But if, oh, I dunno,” she smirks, nudging you in the shoulder again, “if a mutual third party that we both happen to be interested in happened to broach the subject with her, well… like I said, mating between harpies can get competitive. If we both liked that ‘third party,’” she continues, winking and nudging you some more, “that’d take some of the edge off the issue, I’d think.”
“When’s the last time I backed down from anything?” Zhara asks boastfully. She places her hands on her hips as she puffs out her chest and ruffles her feathers, making herself appear larger. “There’s no challenge – none! – that I’m willing to back down from, []!”

Good. Because you spoke with Agnimitra.

The bluster evaporates quickly. Her feathers relax and her chest deflates, although her hands remain on her hips. “And?”

Well, you wouldn’t be bringing it up if Agnimitra wasn’t also game. It turns out that she had many of the same opinions about her ‘great-granddaughter’s’ body as Zhara has about hers. But there’s no need for her to take your word for it.

Zhara remains still and silent for a moment. Her eyes remain fixated on yours, although she’s not truly looking at you: she’s processing the information in her head. If she was really bluffing, it’s been called.

“Honestly?” she says after a moment. She can’t help but let a weak, defeated smile cross her lips. “I should have figured <b>you</b>’d be the one bold enough to try it.”

So, she’s still–

“Yes, I’m still gonna. Gre – Agni is a <b>legend</b>, []. I won’t pass up the opportunity to get into bed with a living legend.” She places her hands on your shoulders and spin you around. “You go to your room in the living quarters. I’ll go get great-grandma Agni and bring her there with me.”

Is she sure that she wouldn’t rather you go get Agnimitra? It might help with her nerves.

“I think the opposite, personally,” she says. “No, I’d better do it.”

You start making your way down the halls towards the living quarters when you hear Zhara call after you: “And keep your clothes on until I tell you!”