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    Savin's CYOA: 022

    My pick is letting Sylvia (the meatslab with an axe) come along or at least persuading her to come because it seems Remi is physically weak to count for stronk magic. Then be a proper hoonta and put traps around the Mantis's lair and smoke em out.
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    Savin's CYOA: Voting Mechanics Vote

    Definitely fair.
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    Savin's CYOA: 019

    Go into the catacombs ofc. Maybe have a sort of meat tank with Sylvia and have Remi move in stealth behind. When Sylvia engages the lizardfucks, Remi ambushes with crowd-control spells.
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    Savin's CYOA: 003

    That sounds like a damn good idea.
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    Savin's CYOA: 001

    Don't run! You don't have the strength!
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    Savin's CYOA (Pre-Game 1: Character Generation)

    Salamander Female Sorceress
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    Interest Check: Choose Your Own Adventure Game?

    As long as there's TFs of some sort. PS: Lizardfolk finger wiggler (sorceress) ftw.
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    Question about modding

    How do I mod my version of CoC?
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    The Eve Parasite

    When can we expect Eve?
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    When is the public build going to be out?
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    Question, whats the percent to encounter Zo'dee on Tarkus, Mhen'ga or Myrellion?
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    The Eve Parasite

    Please add. I would love to tinker around with Eve.