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  1. Threads

    How do you level in this game?

    I don't remember being told to sleep.....anyway thanks!
  2. Threads

    How do you level in this game?

    I recently decided that I was going to try TiTs out, but one thing that's kind of bugging me is that I can't seem to level. I've gained enough exp to level but I don't see a level button and getting more exp does nothing. Am I missing something?
  3. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    If you don't understand what you're writing no, you should not be writing it.  Not enjoying something however, is not the same as not understanding it. A straight guy can write a good M/M sex scene as long as they know how to write about oral or anal. Just look at the imps in CoC. (I want to...
  4. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    Isn't this a tad dramatic? I mean as far as I knew Fen disliked M/M content and his M/M writings weren't bad. They weren't great either.  I'm not saying anyone needs to write they don't like mind you.
  5. Threads

    Character Job balance

    As long as you're aware, the chart served it's purpose. I wasn't really expecting changes to this till 'beta' at the earliest anyway. I'm kind of interested in the number of jobs planned and what the "cost" would be now though. Also what is Layla suppose to be btw? She looks kind of neutral to...
  6. Threads

    Character Job balance

    I know that this game is still in alpha and a lot of other things take precedent over it, however I just want to make sure that people are aware that this is an issue that needs to be addressed eventually. As hopefully all of you can see I've included a table showing the difference Exp...
  7. Threads

    "Cuntboy" option

    Wouldn't the easiest way to tell the difference between cuntboys and flat girls be to check tone? I mean if a character has manly pecs I can't really say they are a flat girl. Flat girls don't have manly pecs. Their breasts are just so small that they look flat.  There's also the possibility...
  8. Threads

    How much of an asshole would you be...

    If you watched soldier porn on Veterans day? Surprisingly google didn't know.
  9. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    So basically rape Cale and then see how reacts to it? I'm not quite sure that's the wisest discussion seeing as how he lives near you and would likely stab you to death in your sleep. Drama is all well and good, but this is a little too forced to be successful. You say it like your planning...
  10. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    Luka stated that this would be added with the mpreg content
  11. Threads

    Dungeon Mapping.

    Nobody is really going to go for the graph maps. They are way to easy to get lost in if you make a mistake.
  12. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    I don't see why baby formula can't be an option when we have alchemy that can altering the very structures of a body.
  13. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    To be honest anyone with access to the healer tree could be one. The acolyte buffs and AoE SP drain is the only things that make him unique. So really he's just a melee support.   Soothe will only be useful for this purpose if it's accessible outside combat. Else using Layla requires that you...
  14. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    I was sort of joking about the whole "playing husbando/waifu collection simulator" thing. Or am not spouse to fuck my husbandos and waifus? Though realistically Layla needs to be sexed if you want to use her. But that's still different from recruitment so eh.
  15. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    So nobody knows how to do anything on the forums either. Great. I already suspected that they'd all be feminine, but reading it is still disappointing. Maybe I should actually attempt to submit content....Adler let me down gently please. I'm not liking how this is sounding. Do I really have...
  16. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    I have a general Idea. I was actually trying to prevent it from getting that far. But fair is fair I guess. If it gets this written then have at it. 1000% on board now. Actually are the wizard and monk planned already? Layla is already a meat-shield so do we really need a tank?  This post...
  17. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    I hate this new system. Can someone explain to me how to delete a post. Or how to manually quote for that matter. Or how to delete quotes. I'm literally going to cry over this. And they all disappeared now. Forgive me for double posting but...
  18. Threads

    Mpregnating Cale?

    Not to be a stick in the mud, but aren't you guys going a little of topic? romanceandchildrenformybutslutplease!
  19. Threads

    Lust effects in combat

    Did not know about this just near future content? It feels too long to be that, but too short to be a complete checklist.
  20. Threads

    Lust effects in combat

    Oh good, that's what I've been hoping for.......