Mpregnating Cale?

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Alright, so, the Anusol+ expansion is out officially in the game at last. Now, for various reasons, I myself can't work on such a project myself, but I was curious: who here thinks it'd be fitting if you could give Anusol+ to Cale, the wolf-morph in the Nomad's Camp, and fill him full of puppies, seeing as how he has a significant "make him a buttslut" pseudo-quest and that's one of the ways you can acquire Anusol+ in the first place?

On a related query, who here actually likes the idea of impregnating Cale? Why would you want to give him a puppy (or litter thereof) or two?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
On a personal note, I don't think I would want to impregnate Cale even if I had the option (though I would do so eventually just to see what happens), since I don't think he's really willing to, or even capable of caring for his litter if they are born. I mean, sure the Nomads can just take care of them as with all the other babies, but still; it'd leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think people just want the option of impregnating Cale with +Anusol finally being implemented. I'm not saying I'm against the idea or for it but thinking about it now, how would a renowned playboy turned butt-slut suddenly have a personality switch into a loving caring parent of pups I would guess he never planned on having, seems like a radical change in his character that wouldn't really fit him. Sissy and Roa I can understand, there are scenarios (that could be/have already been) written out to ease them into the idea of bearing the PC's children with the help of a little magic tonic but with Cale I can't really see how it could be written to where he's comfortable with the idea of nurturing and giving birth to a litter of pups that you've filled him with.

But those are just my thoughts of course, if I saw some actual content that could show that scenario playing out well I would be compelled do a complete 180 on how I felt about this. Either way my impregnation fetish is satisfied knowing Terry and Isla (and maybe in a distant future Sissy the Lizan) are pushing out little fox and sable morphs for me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just to offer a competing viewpoint, this is exactly the thing I've most wanted in FOE since working through the Cale/Anusol starter content. I can definitely see how someone could read through his content and feel like he wouldn't be a good parent/wouldn't want to be a parent/something along those lines, but the fact is we don't know that's the case. It's not as aspect of his character that's been addressed in game before, so any definitive statements on the matter outside of his writers is an assumption or even projection.

Full disclosure, I can't claim to be unbiased. Ever since I got a glance at the Inari doc from the scrapped Cult of Fertility in CoC I've been a bit desperate for something similar to wind up in a game. This aspect of Cale seems like it might be close, though I do hold out high hopes for Roa.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I up for including Cale in group of npc's TF-able with Anusol+ Like they say the more the merrier (and as QB pointed he already partialy help to make those two TF items).

Either way my impregnation fetish is satisfied knowing Terry and Isla (and maybe in a distant future Sissy the Lizan) are pushing out little fox and sable morphs for me.

What about probably future plans for Ophelia (and probably Roa too) and getting army of bunnies? Or you enough with army of foxes and sables? xD


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I up for including Cale in group of npc's TF-able with Anusol+ Like they say the more the merrier (and as QB pointed he already partialy help to make those two TF items).

What about probably future plans for Ophelia (and probably Roa too) and getting army of bunnies? Or you enough with army of foxes and sables? xD

I would be perfectly happy just to be able to recruit Ophelia and Roa as followers, which I would imagine shouldn't take too much longer to be available since thats the conclusion of the bunny quest line which is one of the few things left unifinished still in act 1.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I would be perfectly happy just to be able to recruit Ophelia and Roa as followers, which I would imagine shouldn't take too much longer to be available since thats the conclusion of the bunny quest line which is one of the few things left unifinished still in act 1.

You mean one of the many, many things.


Nov 3, 2015

If you simply impregnate him without any real form of development, no.

Cale's personality is defined enough that it would seem odd for him to accept impregnation (tricked or not), even as a buttslut. 

I can see this content working however if you had him in more of a romantic relationship and/or made him your completely submissive bitch.

That being said I love my butt-slut and am kind of hoping the latter happens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I up for including Cale in group of npc's TF-able with Anusol+ Like they say the more the merrier (and as QB pointed he already partialy help to make those two TF items).

What about probably future plans for Ophelia (and probably Roa too) and getting army of bunnies? Or you enough with army of foxes and sables? xD

Now you know damn well I would greatly enjoy having the bunny siblings both pregnant with my future Wizard Bunny army along with my Ninja Fox and Amazon Sable armada as well. It's a sexy take over waiting to happen. But if that wasn't the case I can take pride in the fact that Moira and her nursery will be a booming success thanks to the efforts of the breeding stud that is my PC and a magical elixir used for making butt babies 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Now you know damn well I would greatly enjoy having the bunny siblings both pregnant with my future Wizard Bunny army along with my Ninja Fox and Amazon Sable armada as well. It's a sexy take over waiting to happen. 

You not forgetting about....The Majestic Dragon Army that Momo and Kadja would provide us with? :p

Dragon Section Always Loyal!!! (ok that was reference to certain movie that little people could figure out)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You not forgetting about....The Majestic Dragon Army that Momo and Kadja would provide us with? :p

Dragon Section Always Loyal!!! (ok that was reference to certain movie that little people could figure out)

ASDFGHJKL! Ormael STOP! You keep reminding of all these NPC's that keep spurring my impregnation fetish! Giving Momo dragon babies leads to possible scenarios of tiny winged demon toddlers incinerating everything in Moira's nursery in a fit of anger because one of my kids decided not to share their toys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
ASDFGHJKL! Ormael STOP! You keep reminding of all these NPC's that keep spurring my impregnation fetish! Giving Momo dragon babies leads to possible scenarios of tiny winged demon toddlers incinerating everything in Moira's nursery in a fit of anger because one of my kids decided not to share their toys.

Ohh Moira...then throw in army of cowgirl spirits but this one probably will be mostly stuck at gemstad/nursery :(

As for Momo I wonder if her anscention into true dragoness or well closer to one will affect what would her and MC babies looks like... also first version of Momo we meet can't breath fire so those babies from her shouldn't be incinerating anything due to been displeased.

Hmmm room in nursery just for dragon-like babies with fireproof stuff. Someone gotta throw that idea to Observer for nursery. Ahh whole room looking like after serious dewastating battle with all thing almost totaly burned to the base.
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Nov 3, 2015
Not to be a stick in the mud, but aren't you guys going a little of topic?



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Not to be a stick in the mud, but aren't you guys going a little of topic?


Well right now we're just seeing how many people would actually like to see this kind of content, it's not being written out in a gdoc at this point in time. Maybe once the whole idea picks up speed with the FoE fanbase we might see something in the future but for now my attention is all focused on upcoming content such as the Gemstead Nursery and perhaps Sissy the Lizan, and the rest of Cveta's content


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I am also really looking forward to getting to recruit Cveta as follower, and getting Layla's special Chimera job added, as I think those two will work very well together. :) And then could finally make a viable lust focused group setup.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not to be a stick in the mud, but aren't you guys going a little of topic?


Speaking of derailing it not yet at General Myrellion Disscusion lvl of derailing of antiderail thread or in short case of derailception. Well we still talk about pregnancy contest for FoE just lil bit moved from Cale to other npc's.

Maybe once the whole idea picks up speed with the FoE fanbase we might see something in the future but for now my attention is all focused on upcoming content such as the Gemstead Nursery and perhaps Sissy the Lizan, and the rest of Cveta's content
As was said before about Cale not much after having wolf puppies where would those puppies go? He is part of nomad camp so one would say to the nomad nursery, but.... with act 2 we would have also gemstead nursery so would those pupies move there or still stayed at nomads?

Yeah I looking forward to gemstead nursery atm as current one is hard for me to unlock so still can't fully comprehend how cool it looking (speaking of I not yet visited it even *sad panda is sad*). Maybe Cale mpreg would make it more easier to access *chuckle*

I am also really looking forward to getting to recruit Cveta as follower, and getting Layla's special Chimera job added, as I think those two will work very well together. :) And then could finally make a viable lust focused group setup.

Layla would have even more than just Chimera job (if all goes acording to the plan) so would have upgrade toward each of 3 main job types in form of more unique jobs (or so stated her gdoc last time I seen it).
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Aug 27, 2015
If there's enough outcry for this kind of content, we might do mpregable Cale. Not just sticking the potion up his butt along with you dick and making him pop a wolf baby either. I'm talking about a proper expansion with character building and all that.

However that wouldn't happen any time soon, kind got a lot of stuff that needs doing.

In no particular order: Terry's Birthing scenes, Bara whore for SL, MILF whore with incest role-play for SL, a new minigame for SL, Momo's revamp, a non-combat follower bunny MG, wizard type combat follower with special mechanics, a monk combat follower with special combo mechanics, a mini-dungeon/maze, tank type combat follower.

As you can see, it's a lot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In no particular order:  a non-combat follower bunny MG, wizard type combat follower with special mechanics, a monk combat follower with special combo mechanics, tank type combat follower.

Heh and I thought we would have long time till we get any at all new followers (now I start to wonder with how huuuuge army of party members that we could put together our party we ends up at the end of the game).

I suppose none of those followers aside this bunny got set race yet. Speaking of that non-combat bunny it Roa or totaly other yet not meantioned anywhere else bunny?

As for Cale if MC would be truly and almsot unreversible corrupted person doing that stuff you meantioned won't even made it flintch. As why care if Cale want or not been feed with Anusol+ and then fucked till he get preg with puppies? But well that for ocasion of been really corrupted MC. Other types of MC would do just as you said (side note: that backlog of stuff you want do looks like work on months if not next few years o_O).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I totally give thumbs up for any and all new followers and/or jobs for characters, more variety is fun! :)

I think both Ophelia and Roa are meant to become non-combat followers, so I would imagine Luka was referring to one of them, unless we are getting veritable army of bunny followers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
However that wouldn't happen any time soon, kind got a lot of stuff that needs doing.
Just to sate my curiosity would some of that stuff among the list you posted involve anything revolving around those preying mantis morphs that were encountered when trying to retrieve the scepter on Kings Road? Will they ever have a chance at becoming a new enemy mob type to face, maybe having their frequency of popping up based on whether or not you decided to impregnate the one who had the scepter?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just to sate my curiosity would some of that stuff among the list you posted involve anything revolving around those preying mantis morphs that were encountered when trying to retrieve the scepter on Kings Road? Will they ever have a chance at becoming a new enemy mob type to face, maybe having their frequency of popping up based on whether or not you decided to impregnate the one who had the scepter?

Those mantis are Gol species and during Scepter quest we meet their queen (but I think there is more than one queen). It could became new mob to meet if anyone work on making it into such.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I would imagine that the Gol would be a random encounter in the deep forest area once that is added, since according to what Ophelia tells you if you ask her about the gol husks is that the Gol live deep in the forest, which would explain why we don't find any in the normal forest, only the shed husks of some that you bring to her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In no particular order: Terry's Birthing scenes, Bara whore for SL, MILF whore with incest role-play for SL, a new minigame for SL, Momo's revamp, a non-combat follower bunny MG, wizard type combat follower with special mechanics, a monk combat follower with special combo mechanics, a mini-dungeon/maze, tank type combat follower

Awww yeah, I'm totally gonna glass cannon that mage so hard. Would he/she be the one whose normal attack is magic-based? The monk sounds fun too.

And while I'm not into mpreg myself, I know that husbandos need love too. (though I'd personally prefer a slice of Magnus haha)


Nov 3, 2015
I hate this new system. Can someone explain to me how to delete a post. Or how to manually quote for that matter. Or how to delete quotes.

I'm literally going to cry over this. And they all disappeared now. Forgive me for double posting but...
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Nov 3, 2015
You should see what happens when a thread *really* goes off-topic.

Well right now we're just seeing how many people would actually like to see this kind of content, it's not being written out in a gdoc at this point in time. Maybe once the whole idea picks up speed with the FoE fanbase we might see something in the future but for now my attention is all focused on upcoming content such as the Gemstead Nursery and perhaps Sissy the Lizan, and the rest of Cveta's content


Speaking of derailing it not yet at General Myrellion Disscusion lvl of derailing of antiderail thread or in short case of derailception. Well we still talk about pregnancy contest for FoE just lil bit moved from Cale to other npc's.
I have a general Idea. I was actually trying to prevent it from getting that far. But fair is fair I guess.

If it gets this written then have at it.

If there's enough outcry for this kind of content, we might do mpregable Cale. Not just sticking the potion up his butt along with you dick and making him pop a wolf baby either. I'm talking about a proper expansion with character building and all that.

However that wouldn't happen any time soon, kind got a lot of stuff that needs doing.

In no particular order: Terry's Birthing scenes, Bara whore for SL, MILF whore with incest role-play for SL, a new minigame for SL, Momo's revamp, a non-combat follower bunny MG, wizard type combat follower with special mechanics, a monk combat follower with special combo mechanics, a mini-dungeon/maze, tank type combat follower.

As you can see, it's a lot.

1000% on board now. Actually are the wizard and monk planned already? Layla is already a meat-shield so do we really need a tank? 

This post somehow motivated me to do the content that I've been thinking of for a while. But don't worry guys, this feeling will be crushed the moment I reread the part where Adler says he wants proof of writing ability. So crisis averted.


Aug 27, 2015
I won't quote people to make this post shorter. But here's some more info.

Bunny MG is a monster-girl, Roa and Ophelia are both lagomorphs (as in furry rabbits). So she's going to be different. Roa and Ophelia (both characters count as one) is a combat follower. Every combat follower is supposed to have a little something that makes them different from the PC in a way or two. It might be possible to replicate their specialties or not. Usually the more unique systems (like the monk's) can't be replicated but come at a sacrifice.

The Gol will likely show up again, just not in Eden. Wait till the portals get fixed and we write a bunch of worlds for you to visit.

The mage is the one whose normal attacks are actually magical blasts. She's a nekomata (twin-tailed cat-morph), with tsundere tendencies. She'll be a mandatory companion and feature as a maze dungeon tutorial. She's been pretty much totally planned and has had a couple drafts written, but that's all going to change when we get back to her. 

The monk is a full female albino otter, and she's incapable of changing jobs. Instead of jobs she has stances that slightly modify her combat role and combo capabilities. Those familiar with my time in TiTS will recognize a few concepts as she's an evolution of what I did for Haruka back then. Her name is Mayflower, expect to see her as a starting companion. She's not mandatory, but very easily found.

The tank is a Hyena: Zina, cocksucker extraordinaire. Though her concept also suffered an evolution beyond being merely a pro cocksucker. Layla is tanky right now because of her high initial status, but Zina is literally built to take hits, and that will be reflected on her skill pool. Also expect to see many bad puns about her "taking it like a champ".


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tsundere nekomage sounds amazing. Actually, unique monk and punny tank sound cool too. Looking forward to it!!


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
The mage is the one whose normal attacks are actually magical blasts. She's a nekomata (twin-tailed cat-morph), with tsundere tendencies. She'll be a mandatory companion and feature as a maze dungeon tutorial. She's been pretty much totally planned and has had a couple drafts written, but that's all going to change when we get back to her.

Interesting. This would be the first mandatory companion that would be introduced into the game- something that doesn't even apply for Kia/Kai. Curious as to what kind of her role she will play in the overall plot.


Aug 27, 2015
Interesting. This would be the first mandatory companion that would be introduced into the game- something that doesn't even apply for Kia/Kai. Curious as to what kind of her role she will play in the overall plot.

You'll need her to get a major spirit later on. In fact you should probably grab all followers you can. Having followers may open up extra ways of doing things and new paths you would otherwise be incapable of taking.