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  1. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    i can't remember ever drawing this bit of nipple play w/ Pavo
  2. holdinglines

    HeroicSpirit’s Art Dump

    the blond hair and cool skin makes me think of a frost elf
  3. holdinglines

    Kazes Art Stuff

    oh! these are all very good! thank u for sharing
  4. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

  5. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    i kinda doubt i'll ever do the rest of this so here's the first screenshot redraw feat. the bunny lord himself, whatshisface
  6. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    oh hey i forgot to post this size comparison b/n River & August oops
  7. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

  8. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    i wanted to draw river in something other than his brown poncho but as u can see i wound up loving his stupid brown poncho. i also took a few artistic liberties compared to Cheshire's design, but
  9. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    another commission for the lovely runingman69!
  10. holdinglines

    Rob's Rub Down Shack (Art n other shit thread)

    robb! i just love seeing your art!
  11. holdinglines

    rose's fanart dumping grounds

    oh i think it's so cool how your goo girl has like a stone or a heart in the center of her chest! that's a real neat detail!
  12. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    one more for today!
  13. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    i did the lineart for this almost a year ago and decided to finally color it
  14. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    two commissions i did for our very own runingman69
  15. holdinglines

    Scotty's Item Sprite Dump

    i felt myself being thrown back to the neopet days
  16. holdinglines

    Need some help with the gender of some art

    oh and maybe changing the size or shape of the nose
  17. holdinglines

    Need some help with the gender of some art

    aside from making the jaw thicker and making the eyes a little bit smaller, the only thing i can really think of is that b/c you used a female sprite as the base that might be affecting how you're perceiving it if that makes sense. maybe a few more variations to differentiate it would help...
  18. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art

    princess Ryn!
  19. holdinglines

    Holding Some Art