Need some help with the gender of some art


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
So i've taken DCL's Magna bust and fiddled with it some to make a character avatar that fits the art style of the game, something i am a bit picky about.Magna_Bust_DCL.png

Now, this avatar works perfectly well for a female lupinemagna.DCL.0.png but i just today made a male lupine and i thought, with some minor editing i could use the same avatar for a male. Thing is, tiny as the avatar is, something about it still seems feminine, but i can't actually tell what it is specifically.magna.DCL.png Untitled.png

Given that many artists here draw or are familiar with furry art, perhaps one of you might be able to tell me what it is about this face makes it feminine and what i might be able to do to masculinise it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I think that it's the eylashes that make it look too feminine for you ? The one you can see in profile


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
magna.DCL.png Hmmm yes, that has helped a little bit. Thank you. Anything else now with the new edit?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
Still too feminine ? No idea then :/

Oh, sorry, it certainly has helped, i just thought there might be more since my eye is completely untrained, if that's all you can see then i trust you, i know that regardless of what is objectively true, i am also biased since i know the source is female, so in trying to account for that bias, i don't know if i'm over or under assuming the state of the image. If it now looks masculine to you, i'll assume whatever remains is my preconceived bias and simply proceed under the assumption it is now masculine until my brain simply accepts the facts. Thanks again for your help.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
Geh, yeah, i can see that, which irks me a bit since i'm hopeless at art, that's far too big of an edit for my skills, i was pushing myself to even get this far. Completely redesigning the jaw would require a skilled hand with an understanding of physical form factors. I can edit a line, blend a little bit and even do density selections for fiddling with hue values but that's it for now. I was hoping i was missing something glaring that upon its deduction the image would suddenly pop out as manly. But at least fixing the eyelashes has moved things closer to the masculine end of the scale, he certainly could pass for a guy no matter who was looking at him, a softer, more handsome guy than a hulking beast of pure testosterone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
aside from making the jaw thicker and making the eyes a little bit smaller, the only thing i can really think of is that b/c you used a female sprite as the base that might be affecting how you're perceiving it if that makes sense. maybe a few more variations to differentiate it would help? maybe adding more white underneath the snout/making a trail, to give the illusion of a thicker neck?
idk if any of this is what you're looking for or helping at all tho


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
the only thing i can really think of is that b/c you used a female sprite as the base that might be affecting how you're perceiving it if that makes sense.

That's actually specifically what i was referencing, my own bias on knowing the source is female, Magna might be a beastly girl, a strong amazon type but she's a feminine amazon, she doesn't look like a dude.

As for continuing the white down to emphasis a neck... that makes decent amount of sense, i'm going to give that a shot if it starts to bug me again. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Generally I've seen males drawn as much more beastly than the females. Less empathetic/smaller eyes too. Like they're less anthro and more animalistic. I've also seen some wrinkling on the snout for some reason. Other than that I can't add more than what's already been mentioned.
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