[0.9.101-PUBLIC#4994] Sheep Ears

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Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully fixed for the next release. This isn't a retroactive fix, so the ears need to be re-obtained to get the flag.

Do note that the floppy flag is not necessarily essential to the descriptors. There used to be a "hasFloppyEars" function (to complement "hasEmoteEars"), but it seems that has been depreciated during the code migration at some point--most likely because it was never used anywhere in code (though with this edit, I've re-implemented it since it is still in the parser list and may cause a crash if the respective function is missing). What dictates floppiness should be the overall shape of the ear (the earType). Initially, the floppy flag was primarily introduced to separate two type of bunny ear shapes (I think around the time when Laquine Ears was introduced); but since, the flag has been added to ears and tails with no particular consistency (not all cow ears adopt the flag, some equine tails will have this flag, etc.), so it's also been treated as a minor cosmetic flag.
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