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  1. Uzikua

    Question about Submitting events

    Thanks! I tend to write smut stories every now and then so i'll go ahead and check out the submissions.
  2. Uzikua

    Question about Submitting events

    Hi, so I was wondering if anyone is allowed to pitch ideas for events or if it's exclusive to backers and if it's not, how one would go about posting the idea. Thanks in advance for any reply!
  3. Uzikua

    No Masturbation feature?

    oh yeah, I totally get that, it's very important otherwise nothing really gets done. The basic structure needs to be built or the whole thing crumbles
  4. Uzikua

    No Masturbation feature?

    I'm a bit weird with how I play. I like to find the perfect thing to take/get taken by/make love with for the first time before I throw caution to the wind and let whatever happens, happens
  5. Uzikua

    No Masturbation feature?

    Hi, Maybe i'm blind...or stupid, or something but my character has had the debuff "Blue Balled" for ages cuz I haven't found the right thing to go at it with the first time, and I recall you being able to masturbate in the first game to curb your lust, can you not do that in this game? i've set...