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  1. S

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Would it be possible to increase the "add cock" limit from the current 5 to 10 or 20 for the next update of TiTSed? TiTSed can handle 20 cocks. I know this for a fact, since I created an edited save-file with 20 cocks via Minerva. You can go from 0 to 10 cocks "legally" in-game by using...
  2. S

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    I am one of Fenoxo's patreons and I sent Fen a message regarding public repo being updated. Fen said he had sent the message along to Gedan, but that she is insanely busy currently and Fenoxo does not know when the public repo will be updated. At least the update request has been passed along...
  3. S

    Image Pack access and Souped-Up Build for Offbeatr Supporters

    I do know about the cheats and an alternative to that is save editing, but that is beside the point. Is another souped up build going to be made once we reach 1.0.000 though? :) And I am glad a proper distribution channel is being worked on for delivering the image pack to all backers :)
  4. S

    Image Pack access and Souped-Up Build for Offbeatr Supporters

    The souped up build was supposed to be exclusive to certain Offbeatr tiers, also regardless whether your character is fated or not, but the idea is good. In the souped build, during character creation the doctor could ask if Victor would like their child to be boosted. If you select yes, you get...
  5. S

    Image Pack access and Souped-Up Build for Offbeatr Supporters

    I personally supported on Offbeatr at the 200$ tier and designed a fated name. This tier also included life-time "gold" account and a souped-up build (which supposedly would give up better starting stats, which as far as I am aware have never been available). I assume "gold account" would...