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  1. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Code] shiftAnyVagina is missing some clits

    The following types are missing a clit count assignment TYPE_KUITAN TYPE_SYNTHETIC TYPE_LAPINARA TYPE_ANEMONE / TYPE_SIREN TYPE_FLOWER TYPE_BOTHRIOC TYPE_SAURMORIAN For the following I have no clue how many clits they are supposed to have so I am assuming they should have a clit count of 1...
  2. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Code] Shouldn't [pc.cockOrStraponFull] use [pc.cockNounComplex] instead of [pc.cock]?

    Currently the [pc.cockOrStraponFull] will output [pc.cock] if Steele has a cock, just like [pc.cockOrStrapon]. However since the [pc.cockOrStraponFull] seems to be intended to give a more wordy parser, shouldn't it output [pc.cockComplex] instead? This could be easily achieved by adjusting the...
  3. SeriousBlueJewel

    [code] Misuse of [tps] parser in hyrax

    During my perusing of the hyrax raider document I noted that the writer, or coder misused the [tps] parser. A parser used for fights. Likely the writer intended for it to be the [singular|] parser. However there would still be some errors that way so here is a list of fixes for them...
  4. SeriousBlueJewel

    [code] parser.plural missplacements

    Just noticed that some tags lack a parser.plural check and others have an unneeded one. Everything is in the creature.js file. I am uncertain about the parsers with "each", "one", and "IsAre" in them, but since "oneCock", "eachCock", and "tailsIsAre" have the calls I am adding them in. All the...
  5. SeriousBlueJewel

    Paragon should refuse to sell Dizzy if they were crossed during the probe retrieval.

    As long as you aren't outright Hostile with Paragon they should agree to sell Dizzy to you for 2 million credits. If you are in their good books she should be sold for 750,000. However if you managed to piss them off (Like by siding with Bright water) they will refuse to sell to you out of...
  6. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Request] Could it be possible for pregnancies to show up under codex Medical instead?

    Since Gedan and the other coders are currently working on UI updates. I thought this might be the best time to ask this now. Something that has always annoyed me in game is that if you want to check if you managed to get impregnated, or how long you have left in a pregnancy, you have the...
  7. SeriousBlueJewel

    [code] how is this supposed to prevent repeating the event?

    The code below basically allows the event to happen to happen again once 30 days have passed //Doots-o-ween 2022 //Randomly, while the Halloween season is active, PC is on a planet, and PC is inside their ship. Can't be repeated during the same season. if (isHalloweenish() &&...
  8. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Code] Love Starz should always use casual sprites whilst on vacation

    As stated in the title. Love Starz on vacation currently use their uniform sprites when clothed, but they should be using their casual sprites in stead. Edit I didn't test this but their sprites are probably changing depending on the time during their vacation
  9. SeriousBlueJewel

    Kaithrit lounging

    Kaithrit Lounging, the crappier sequel to Ausar walking that discord made me write
  10. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.021-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2554] Wrong Kaska Image

    Wrong Kaska image in Stellar Tether
  11. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.021-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2554] Possible missing interaction in Love Starz 2 pink

    Accessed code from de-minified file download From the way I am reading this the loveStarz2PinkLeaveEarly in loveStars2IntroPinkAccept is supposed to be the currently unused loveStarz2PinkBedTime2. In case the above line was confusing in loveStars2IntroPinkAccept change...
  12. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.021-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2554] Pink tag error

    During the pink section of the Love Starz 2 content Sex with pink during part 2
  13. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.016] Mitch wrong function

    pc.hasCock() is supposed to be pc.hasCocks() mitch.js if (pc.hasCock()) output(textify`\n\n\nYour other manhood[pc.hasCocks|s aren't|isn't] idle during the ordeal, and [pc.hasCocks|they|it] only help further plaster the purple vulpine in an ever growing glaze of heated, heavy...
  14. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.016] Wrong parser use in Mitch

    cockRangeSNVH should be cumSNVH mitch.js
  15. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.016] Mitch inconsistent penis size requirements

    mitch.js Here is the requirement for entering the scene if (pc.smallestCockLength() <= 14) { addButton(btn++, "Cock", cock); } And as you can see here "<=" is used in the non-taur variant, whilst "<" in the taur variant. It should probably all...
  16. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.015] Mitch typos

    Forgot to remove the "]" at the end mitch.js if (pc.isTaur()) output(textify`lifting up and bracing your [pc.legs] on the desk as you grind your [pc.cock] against the kitsune's now spit slathered rear.`); else output(textify`gripping the...
  17. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.015] Mitch's Psionic talk is unachievable

    This is due to a lack of a "Psionics" codex entry which is needed to unlock the scene. mitch.js if (mitch.doneDeepTherapy() && CodexManager.entryUnlocked("Psionics")) { //must have met at least one other psionic. // todo: LCD: use codex...
  18. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.015] Mitch missing else

    Mitch.js if (mitch.sexed) output(textify`\n\n\nThe fox has a cute little pucker right between his heart shaped ass cheeks, right where it belongs`); output(textify`\n\n\nYou're pretty sure he has a pucker between those heart shaped asscheeks of his, like most other races...