Search results

  1. F

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    ... I notice on non-survival, you seem to be always considered full, so is there a way to *not* get fat when eating, uh, literally anything?
  2. F

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    So the fastest way to get Regen is level 6? Eesh...
  3. F

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    It is the dark mage one, yeah. I'm more confused as to why there would be something that just damages you every hour. He doesn't have a racial perk, he's pure human. It certainly makes it difficult to get that regeneration perk when you start the game with dying every action.
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    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Why am I am getting randomly damaged just exploring or even while resting or sleeping? I start a new game with the new edition (haven't played it in about a year so lots of changes), and each explore action costs me 4 hp, and I wake up after a sleep gaining 214 HP out of 200, and I have for some...
  5. F

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Out of curiousity, do the races on Uveto have any content beyond watching or betting? Can you be a jockey and ride underneath Jerynn or anything?
  6. F

    'Nother recruitment thread! (1 PC needed, Pathfinder)

    Hello again ladies and gents'. My last recruitment thread worked out and that game is going strong. I now have another game, but this one I'm playing in and the DM wishes to make it a two player game. So I'm looking here on his behalf to find another player. We haven't settled on the adventure...
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    Ancient Ruins (DM LF 1 Player)

    Hi there! I have recently gotten my hands on the first book of the Ruins of Azlant adventure path for pathfinder. And I have loved the premise of it so much that I wish to run another sexualized RP game using it. The basis of the campaign is that the PC is a settler on board a ship who's...
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    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Bumpity with a new idea!
  9. F

    Pathfinder kinky RP on Discord

    PM'd ya!
  10. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Eighth idea!
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    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    And updating to offer to run a game as well.
  12. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Bump with yet another new idea
  13. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Oooh, I sooo wanna do my Kingmaker campaign. Been trying to find a DM for that one for years, but it's never worked out for various reasons. I do like the thought on the breeding school, and enslaving a teacher would be awesome, if difficult, but bringing down the dominant and powerful into...
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    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Update with another new idea!
  15. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Bumping and still looking!
  16. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Updated with another idea!
  17. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Yar, all girls.  The boys school is located elsewhere and has different graduating requirements heh.
  18. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Huh, odd. It's linking back to here. Let's try again! Double try in case the the simple copy/paste didn't work.
  19. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    Update, added the breeding school idea!
  20. F

    Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!

    So, cracking open a new topic for some new kinky ideas I'm looking for. Primarily looking for RP over IM or if there's a prospective DM out there, via roll20 with Pathfinder. I've found several excellent and amazing roleplayers here and I would love to add to my 'collection' of people I can...