Uncommonly Kinky Conquerings!


Oct 18, 2015
So, cracking open a new topic for some new kinky ideas I'm looking for. Primarily looking for RP over IM or if there's a prospective DM out there, via roll20 with Pathfinder. I've found several excellent and amazing roleplayers here and I would love to add to my 'collection' of people I can continue with ^_^

I will also offer to run a game as a DM myself for a person, if I can get a game run for myself in return. I've been told I'm an excellent DM and I have a LOT of custom pathfinder creations and a fully created lust system for it as well as all paizo publications and a huge amount of third party stuff too. Though I vet stuff that is unbalanced of course. I'd love to run or play Rise of the Runelords with a sexual bent.

First idea: Mass Effect
This idea was spawned by a doujin I saw a while ago. The basic premise is my asari character gets ahold of some human tentacle porn, gets a bit addicted to it, then starts pestering her hanar friends until she manages to get sexed by one. For some reason, the hanar end up liking this a lot, and she inadvertently creates some zealous tentacle rapists. Of course, she's ok with this and with basically being a tentacle sex toy and so goes out into the galaxy to try and 'recruit' more women and hanar. Her 'final goal' is to capture the most important/powerful women in the Galaxy, including ones like Aria T'loak, FemShep, Liara T'soni and more.

Second idea: Kingmaker
This one is specifically a Pathfinder campaign, one I'd like to play in solo where my character creates her own evil kingdom with big dicked and tentacled monsters. All of the humanoid women are basically relegated to slavery, breeding, and food via milking. Assuming my character manages to not end up in her own milking stalls because she got overconfident of course ^_^

Eighth idea: Iron Gods
Another pathfinder campaign. I'd love to try this one with an earthling transplanted to Golarion. Plus I love fucking machines and alien tentacles.

Third idea: WoW Nerubian RP continuation
This RP is actually one that was abandoned by the other player and I'd really love to continue it. My blood elf warlock was raped by a nerubian, impregnated with many eggs several times over, released and is now on her way to try and 'convince' or 'encourage' other notable females in Azeroth to join her. Like Alexstrasza or Jaina Proudmoore. Or be bound up in slavery and filled with eggs unwillingly, it's their choice. The current RP is linked here, and I'd love to continue: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pVLxJ1IasKqMh1R_4RaCyyN-y-rS7o8grt9TImEjZBg/edit

Fourth idea (edit): The Breeding School!
This idea is one I had for awhile and forgot to add. Basically, my character is invited to a prestigious school in Japan at the age of 18, right after graduation. Thing is, the school claims it has magic and wants to teach her that. Proves it to, with the one delivering the letter using magic.
Once she arrives however, the school was telling the truth... but it has a dark sexual side. Throughout the year the students will be expected to fight one another and grow their own armies from the magical monsters and creatures that live in and around the school... ones that 'normal' people cannot see, but they can certainly see the students if they try and deal with one on a crowded subway.
The students must 'recruit' these monsters for competing against each other. Thing is... that almost never works. So instead, they must fuck 'em and breed with 'em, and then raise their children to be their monster army. And hope Dad doesn't come back for them or to make the student part of their permanent breeding harem.
If/when you capture another student, you can of course force them to breed and take and raise the monster babies.
The 'competition' generally isn't something 'held' at certain times. You can break into another students room at night and tie them up and breed them whenever you want, if you have the power to do it. The only safe times are within actual classes because the teachers don't allow fighting... in their sight. Not that you can't bribe them, seduce them, etc., just don't get caught.
The last student remaining who's enslaved all of the others is considered a graduate of the school and the rest... her slaves. Every graduate has quite a few slaves, and there isn't always a graduate because sometimes they just all succumb to their own children.

Fifth idea: Star Wars Apprentice (EDIT: Not open)
This idea is basically that my sith sorceress, Velai'al, is looking for an apprentice. Her current story is that she's working on alliance with the killiks, having found some very interesting aspects to their reproductive methods and how it interacts with the Dark Side of the Force... Basically, they have breeding pits and the breeders are so coked out on pleasure that their passion creates a potent source of Dark Side power and she's tapping into it.
Granted, she needs an apprentice to both teach and help her go out to capture force sensitives, jedi and the like, to give to the killiks. Also will involve said apprentice being bred as well.
Has an RP that isn't yet done, detailing Velai's first interaction with the killik Queen of Hive Aesea: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q4O2J_mVcwJW8JfHcHW30aWqIbk8w_sWrHj7F7nolkI/edit

Sixth idea: The Sin of Lust
This idea takes a lusty man, one who's dominant and perverted and quite good with the ladies. He's done it all, had slaves (might currently have them/a harem), milked cowgirls, ridden ponygirls, watched concubines writhe as they weren't allowed to cum... a rich and successful man, one with power (political, magical, mercantile, depends on setting).
And now his latest paramour/slave/concubine/wife/a defeated witch or succubus/(insert woman he's dominating or toying with now), suggests that can he really call himself the King of Perverts if he's only ever experienced half of all sex has to offer? After all, he's never experienced sex from the woman's perspective!
This scenario is one I'd like to focus on corruption/coercion. There shouldn't be any physical force, merely suggestions and playing with the man's lusts, inviting him/her into furthering her degradation. The man is very smart, 'here, drink this potion master it'll make the sex feel really good!' would be laughed at as he forces it down his conquest's throat. Ideally, he'll go through bondage, submission, orgasm denial, breast enlargement/milking, tattooing/piercing, slavery, cowgirl, ponygirl, beastiality, pregnancy/oviposition, non-con roleplay, etcetera (not all at once of course), always thinking he can stop whenever and get back to being a powerful dominant man again. And, if he could control his lusts/desires, he in fact could, easily. A prisoner of his own new pussy ^_^
This one can take place in any kind of setting, sci-fi, modern, fantasy, etc., so long as it's capable of full gender change by any means (even modern with advanced science/hidden magic, or super hero power, w/e)

Seventh idea! The Dungeon of 'A little late'
This idea revolves around a character who enters into a super realistic simulation (IE; Matrix or Sword Art Online), that is a porn game that plays with the idea of the Damsel in Distress. Unlike most though, the player/damsel is always rescued/escapes/lucks out, AFTER she's been taken advantage of entirely, not just between the bound and gagged but not yet raped parts.
A nice multi-floor dungeon with various monsters/enemies and a super simplistic mechanics for the 'game'. Sort of tongue in cheek, she'd be able to access the menu to see how her skills have grown, how good she is at blowjobs, rope skill, etc.. However, if she can't beat the game because she's raped too much, then the player's mind is trapped in the game and her body sold to a brothel!

Eight Idea: Twisted Pokèmon Breeding

Recently, Professor Elm, the breeding professor, has discovered a revolutionary new discovery about pokemon breeding. They can breed with human women! Of course, this wasn't actually his discovery, but a discovery by Team Rocket, who then hypnotized the professor into releasing the study. After the criminal organization was humiliated by Red, Giovanni learned his lesson on overt criminal tactics, and went to manipulation. With psychic pokemon, he convinced the Elite 4 and Champion of Johto to change the rules based on this new discovery by Professor Elm.
So now, all female trainers, instead of giving half their money upon losing, instead are forcibly bred by the winning pokemon. The egg's take roughly 1-2 days to mature, and the trainer must go to a pokemon center where they are taken care of. Of course, the 'research' shows the best pokemon are bred from trainers kept in constant arousal, but not orgasms, during the egg's development, so while at the pokecenter, the trainer is in constant bondage and orgasm denial.
This is the new Pokemon world, and female trainers live with it, or the rule is they have to give up their pokemon, and of course those designated places are just fronts for Team Rocket to take their pokemon.
A win-win for Giovanni... multiple strong pokemon bred from human women and delivered by the pokecenter, which are then adopted by Team Rocket, or just getting the female trainer's pokemon directly. And with some more work, he's certain he can get the law changed to 'imprison' female trainers that disobey or lose too many fights for a large, permanent, breeding farm.
This would basically be playing Pokèmon gold/silver with changed Team Rocket parts and lots of sex and breeding with monsters. Pocket monsters.

My on/offs have the kinks I like/dislike, but for ease of the reader I'm most definitely looking for: Rape/non-con, bondage, oviposition, tentacles, corruption, chastity belts/orgasm denial/control, D/S, unrealistic anatomy (helped by magic/advanced tech) for big insertions, lots of cum and humiliation, beastiality, milking, and futa.
Definitely avoid scat, guro, vomit, pedophilia (though ephebophilia is fine and dandy).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Very interesting ideas! I particularly like the one with the boarding school setting. Kind of a pervy mash-up of pokemon and battle royal :3

I am curious though, is it a all-girls school? If breeding with monsters is the only sure-fire way to recruit yourself a monster army, then the poor boys are kind of screwed.


Oct 18, 2015
Yar, all girls.  The boys school is located elsewhere and has different graduating requirements heh.


New Member
Nov 9, 2015
Hmm...the ones that would interest me would be 2nd and 4th through 6th

Though with the school, I don't really like the idea of only one student having even a chance of graduating...perhaps enslaving one of the senior teachers might guarantee passage?

That way, for example the most powerful AND her best rival could pass the school, while setting themselves on a long future of setting tentatraps for each other for the rest of their magically extended lifespans...

6th, however, runs into the trap of someone being so powerful that they wouldn't think of getting into a position without the power in the first place...at least not without some trickery/force.


Oct 18, 2015
Oooh, I sooo wanna do my Kingmaker campaign. Been trying to find a DM for that one for years, but it's never worked out for various reasons.

I do like the thought on the breeding school, and enslaving a teacher would be awesome, if difficult, but bringing down the dominant and powerful into humiliated sex slave breeder is THE EPIC.

As for the sixth, the idea isn't that you use force or trickery on him, it's that you let him do it himself entirely by appealing to his ego/pride as 'The King of Perverts', and then let his insatiable lusts keep him as a submissive little fucktoy girl who can figure out how to change back at any time... or so she keeps telling herself as she rides the cock plunging her pussy with the pumps whirring away on her lactating boobs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While your ideas are certainly interesting, it's just way outside the scope of my personal turn-ons.