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  1. Adan

    What content would you like added?

    the purpose of it does not matter. horsetail is for swatting away flies, but marefolk have hands and tools so they dont need tail... its not about need. its only about appeal. not my kink tho. spade tail is objectively the best because it is both a limb for grabbing, fucking, and a sensitive...
  2. Adan

    What content would you like added?

    Id like to be able to see all questnames ingame, or something like that to be able to keep track better what else is there to discover. (greyed out if the prerequisites are not met)
  3. Adan

    Your gripes with CoC II

    If 'elsewhere' is some futa content then I forgive you
  4. Adan

    Out of all of the cities/villages/settlements that have been shown so far, wich one do you think Kasyrra would have the easiest time corrupting?

    My first thougt was the selkies but then i realized they dont have settlements. But they are the easiest. I dont know if the sharks have settlements but with their aplha-beta thing they seem pretty easy too if you limit it to cities shown so far, we are talking about a handful of places to...
  5. Adan

    Is Gweyr a monster?

    This is just quasi related, but I need to rant somewhere Why is Garth suddenly the bad guy after the events of this quest? Its very annoying how berating my character gets on my behalf while I dont feel like that at all, I symphatize with Garth. (despite thinking Garret was in the right in...
  6. Adan

    Is Gweyr a monster?

    So, now that I finished the quest I still dont hate it. Garret called her a neccesary monster, that sounds like a middle ground. I guess our interpetations also vary on the consequences had Gweyr refused to intervene. Not suprising, since the story is colored by the characters in it retelling...
  7. Adan

    Is Gweyr a monster?

    Agree with the rest but this is just very off. You have to have some criteria who you call a monster, whether its bloodlust or cruelty that makes one there is room to argue but its certainly not mere cowardice of falling short of your duties. Also its easier to judge Sanders and the villagers...
  8. Adan

    Is Gweyr a monster?

    Rivers? what how? (wait nvm, have my suspicions) (to get as close to justified as i think we can get: fighting is always risky and she had a right to put her own life first and the victims before the criminals. this ofc is still no excuse to full execution, only some unintended deaths & maybe...
  9. Adan

    Is Gweyr a monster?

    Yes I see now , im yet to see the end of the quest but this does not sound that terrible to me. Unfortunately the quest does assume you dont really mind what she did. On the other hand she did pay for it. I assume there wont be much on the part of she realizing her fault before the reunion -...
  10. Adan

    thread disappeared

  11. Adan

    thread disappeared

    Hey I opened a thread about Gweyr in coc2 questions not long ago, and it disappeared without a trace. the 'without a trace' is the part im especially not happy about because i wrote a lot, so id like some explanation. Seen no mod online and its not obvious I should bother admins with this so...
  12. Adan

    Is Gweyr a monster?

    I know this is a recurring topic but Im doing this quest for the first time and see no active discussions on it. So here it goes. I enjoy this more serious tone and moral grey areas in the story. My answer is, she is heartless and deserved the exile. Heartless but straight and trustworthy...
  13. Adan

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Im so confused about Aileh right now... she just came out of nowhere with the romance stuff. I was hoping for her to become a companion or that good relationship with her will have an effect on the main plot, and/or open up a side quest. Okay so there is a friendzone button, what is my problem...
  14. Adan

    A couple questions on the end of the Berwyn quest.

    Yes the warning does say that. Maybe she only does not get corrupted if you dont have Alraune or anyone there to corrupt her. But I havent tried. I meant the question more in general: could recruiting a character result in me not being able to recruit another?
  15. Adan

    A couple questions on the end of the Berwyn quest.

    I wonder if there are either-or sitations, like if I get X to settle in then I wont have that option with Y. or can I just recruit everyone?
  16. Adan

    What content would you like added?

    I want to build Jael'yn her own dungeon and let her be in control inside. I mean I forgot to set a command word for her collar and then she ended up being a demon bexause I exposed her to Alraune. So I think she has legit gripes with me and I deserve to be punished pretty harsly. She could also...
  17. Adan

    Who is the domme with the most content?

    Ah totally forgot about Evergreen... she rubbed me a bit wrong and i thougt its partially because of the art. She is halfway between "fat mother" and "maximum thiccness still attractive" wow you have a lot of info edit: do i need to be corrupted to romance Kas? (and does it affect the game...
  18. Adan

    Who is the domme with the most content?

    Give me your best candidates! oh my sleeping with Arona every day mmm
  19. Adan

    What content would you like added?

    Yes ofcourse, all this was in the hypothetical anyway, writing content only makes sense to begin with if there is a writer who likes that content. I imagine it would be a fun way to progress the story at some places getting information out of your fallen enemies. Some enemies can be killed...
  20. Adan

    What races do you play
