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  1. Redfox26011

    Twin Serpent (Update)

    The race still isn't fully finished, but I've kinda run into a wall and for now I think it's complete until I can come up with other ideas for it that I'll add in. If anyone has ideas or suggestions feel free to say so! Please be kind it's my first real attempt at making a race...
  2. Redfox26011

    Looking for a bit of help

    Hey, to anyone willing. I'm kinda looking for a bit of assistance with writing a fw things for the race I created. I'm just kinda drawing up blanks on some things cuz I'm not really sure how to write them so I was wondering if anybody would be willing to help? Of course credit will be given to...
  3. Redfox26011

    Just a Question

    I've resumed working on my character submission for the game, and was curious. I assume that I have to write about his encounter and his dialog and such, but I wanted confirmation on that just to kinda get an idea of everything I need. So could someone give me a general idea of what I'm supposed...
  4. Redfox26011

    Twin Serpent

    This is a work in progress, I'm currently trying to come up with encounters and interactions, any and all help would be much appreciated, just please be constructive lol.
  5. Redfox26011

    Looking For a Bit of Help

    Hey, to anyone interested I'm kinda looking for a bit of help in creating a race for the game. With this one being something more closely related to the Cunt snake in nature, I've already worked out the codex mostly and I'm just trying to work on interactions and scenes for it, and I'd welcome...
  6. Redfox26011


    So I recently got the new update and now I have two questions, they are small but I'm genuinely confused 1: The new Akane thing, I can't seem to even find it much less unlock the path. Can someone shed some light on that one for me? 2: In the new update I can't seem to find the Zil twins...
  7. Redfox26011

    Sad Face

    It is only now that I'm realizing how terrible I am at using Paint Tools Sai T-T I can't get the hair right! Ahhg! lol
  8. Redfox26011

    The Elysians

    My first attempt at making a race, I tried pretty hard though I admit it's not perfect. If you have suggestions feel free to give them, just try not to tear me a new one lol.
  9. Redfox26011

    Finally done

    Well it took a while but I finally finished the rough draft of my Race to add to the game. Now just trying to go through and edit the finer details. Anyone wanna help me out? Lol
  10. Redfox26011

    Random Thought

    Am I the only one who thinks a Vanae queen or princess would be a really cool idea? Maybe even just a little village for them with a high Priestess to run the place? I think that would make a pretty cool mini adventure as well. Maybe even a little turf trouble from the Zil or something?
  11. Redfox26011


    Is the new bust for Mitzi up and running now? Cuz I tried to download the game again just in case but she hasn't shown up, I only ask cus the post says it is but I couldn't get it
  12. Redfox26011


    So I'm wondering, Does Mitzi have a character bust yet? Cuz I've noiced in my game she doesn't seem to just yet. Is that a future update or just an issue in my game? Either way it's still cool. Just curious ^-^
  13. Redfox26011


    Is there any way to get rid of the "Peace of Mind" Perk? Cuz now whenever my character encounters the spider creatures in the deep caves he immediately gets a bad end. And I can't seem to go anywhere in the deep caves without running into one
  14. Redfox26011

    I'm a tad lost on my game

    So I've made it to Myrellion and I've done the missions there and even assisted in the civil war so far. Is there more I'm supposed to do cuz the other planets still say locked and I can't figure out where I go from here
  15. Redfox26011

    I can't find Mitzi

    I'm curently a patreon and I have the right amount to Find Mitzi but, I can't find her. Does anyone know where to find her????
  16. Redfox26011

    Another Question

    So I just became a Patreon, but I'm not sure what to do now, do I go back to playing on e621 or is there a different place where I'm supposed to go to play
  17. Redfox26011

    Random question

    Does anyone know where to find that new girl Mitzi? I cannot for the life of me find her and it's kinda getting irritating to redo the mission again and again to find her
  18. Redfox26011

    [Not sure where to post this, Sorry]

    Sorry I'm not really sure where this goes but I was curious. Is there a way to submit character ideas for the game? Cuz I actually have one who might be an interesting addition to the game.