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  1. Chiromishi

    Zheng Shi Content Discussion (GENERAL) (PLANET UNFINISHED)

    You unlock Zheng Shi after finding the Myrellion probe.
  2. Chiromishi

    Testicle Trouble

    All I have for a reference for the size is this video. I don't think any anti gravity thongs or hoverboards can hold up anything that equals slightly more than the distance from The CN Tower to the ground. This is ridiculous.
  3. Chiromishi

    Wild Mass Guessing

    Celise was the brand of that bottle of Aloe Vera you keep in the bathroom cabinet.
  4. Chiromishi

    What does the defense stat on armor do exactly?

    Defense is a flat subtraction from the enemy's damage (I could be wrong though, I believe it does), while fortification just gives you more health.
  5. Chiromishi

    Pirate raid on Tavros

    EDIT: I really should read things. It is a recent thing as Xeivous had said. Don't post when you're sleepy, everyone.
  6. Chiromishi

    How do you make your Steele "special"?

    I feel that being Steele is special enough for my tastes. Don't really need much more than that unless you really want to go deeper and create Christmas tree OCs. At best if I played female characters more often I'd probably just play a Hard Half-Gryvain Female Tech Specialist. S'all I have really.
  7. Chiromishi

    Perk Selection Choice and Edge Interaction

    No idea on Bothrioc and their business, not really interested in them. Perhaps the ability is picky, though it does say "cannot use normal melee or ranged attacks", so those enemies might be just attacking with special abilities or special melee/ranged attacks. Then again, being unable to melee...
  8. Chiromishi

    Perk Selection Choice and Edge Interaction

    Heres an example of why they're still attacking you: If you disarm a Milodan Male, they're attacking you with their claws/fists, they really wanna beat you up. They wanna beat you up so bad they shut down Smuggler's entire kit for damage. Wanna Flash Grenade them? Nope, they can smell you. Wanna...
  9. Chiromishi

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    Well, I figured the whole story would be different were you some random person. Indeed it sounds fun, luckily Savin is making a TiTS tabletop rulebook, though I am unsure how far its rules extend to. Could be fun playing a random shmuck.
  10. Chiromishi

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    We should be glad we're not on the bottom of the barrel of the social construct, who knows how people would feel if you started the game as just a random bloke instead of Steele.
  11. Chiromishi

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    You'd actually need some sort of proof that you are someone from the past sent into the future roughly about a thousand years. Convincing them of this would be extremely difficult, unless your being sent to the future was documented in history. So unless you can take your birth certificate or...
  12. Chiromishi

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    Great, now I actually want to play a TiTS-based Starfinder game where I'm just a regular HVAC tech being dragged along with the other, more capable and adventurous players, just because their air conditioning unit in their ship keeps malfunctioning. If only such a thing existed. :(
  13. Chiromishi

    Characters you'd love to see fleshed out

    Whew lad, that's gonna be something. I'm not even into exhibitionism, but just this once I should look into it once it gets coded.
  14. Chiromishi

    Characters you'd love to see fleshed out

    R.I.P another writer, we knew ye well. I'd like to see more content for Kaede, even though she has plenty of talk scenes about her, she's my favorite character.
  15. Chiromishi

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    Being transported to the TiTs universe is like the start of every boring Isekai novel, give me the universe in a more organic fashion and you'd have a deal. I'd take the look of my Steele, as he is just the starter Half-Ausar, and get a sort of mechanic/electrician job instead of being a...