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  1. Fluffy

    Bad Idea: COC save integration

    I wouldn't say so for being late game perks, but they were just for the purpose of example anyway.
  2. Fluffy

    Bad Idea: COC save integration

    I think it would be cool even if neither game mixes stories. They don't have to, it could just be a little treat for those of us who dumped so many hours into building our beloved CoC characters. XP/credits wouldn't work out, but I think it would be cool to carry over a few (slightly modified)...
  3. Fluffy

    Previous versions

    No particular purpose, just interest. Now and then there have been a few big changes to the game other than just content and it's always fun to see how things evolved. I started playing CoC around, I don't know, 2012? And I wandered through previous versions to see how it used to look and always...
  4. Fluffy

    Previous versions

    Since the site upgrade, I'm noticing older versions of the game are no longer available. Will they ever be available again? Call me strange, but I liked looking through older versions of both games. I know I can get (most of) them over on swfchan, but it was really nice having the catalog in the...
  5. Fluffy

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    Damn, I thought Pyrite was a good name because it's a form of fool's gold. In my mind, the "seedy" atmosphere makes it stand out more as an isolated spot than a floor on a preexisting planet. I was thinking of that at first, but would all of the big intergalactic space pirates really be...
  6. Fluffy

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    This new forum is confusing to navigate, so sorry in advance if this isn't a new idea. This came to mind after I ran out of things to do on Myrellion but was still short of credits to check out some expensive transformatives, and also because challenge turns me on but the mobs stopped putting...