Bad Idea: COC save integration


New Member
Sep 28, 2015
"first, throwing shit at the wall by a bunch of people who have no actual desire to go through with it and write it themselves"

Hello sexy internet people, some form of COC save file integration over to TITS would be nice. This may be done in any form possible: affecting the origin of Mr/Ms Steele's father, an interactive character, carrying over items and/or levels (exp) and/or looks (this one might get a bit weird). On the COC side, it could be prefaced with in-game text saying a new portal opened up in front of the COC character's home base and they decided to step in on a whim; this portal being the result of more Ausar portal hijinks or other [INSERT EXPLANATION HERE]. I'm not a very good idea person nor a good writer so I'm throwin' this piece of spaghetti on the wall and hoping it sticks.

Fuck, I hope I posted this in the right subthread.

TLDR; I had a bad idea in the shower, now I want my COC in my TITS.

edit: just realised this may have been proposed before... probably has been in the old thread...
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I forgot what word of god said but I think that TiTS takes place in a different dimension from CoC, and not in the future. Since otherwise magic would still exist. Although I guess you could just handwave it into saying that magic was lost, but that'll just give people an excuse to bring fantasy stuff back into TiTS.
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New Member
Sep 28, 2015
I forgot what word of god said but I think that TiTS takes place in a different dimension from CoC, and not in the future. Since otherwise magic would still exist. Although I guess you could just handwave it into saying that magic was lost, but that'll just give people an excuse to bring fantasy stuff back into TiTS.

"Hello. Your idea is bad." - Magic Ted

Whelp, that came back and slapped me on the face a little too quick there. And thanks for brushing that up lore-wise, makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I kind of like the reincarnation genre and it solves some problems, but I'm not sure that there's anything to gain here that is close to being worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
uhh, this exists, it was part of the offbeatr. you could transfer your coc character attributes to tits. it was (and i think still is but not 100%) the only way to get horse taur body

Would it be possible to pull some style of MGS-Psychomatis(tells you what games you played and analyzes you based on it) style gag with a fortune teller reading your old save data for kicks? Could be funny to see Urta or Katherine when they think the CoC PC isn't around.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Would it be possible to pull some style of MGS-Psychomatis(tells you what games you played and analyzes you based on it) style gag with a fortune teller reading your old save data for kicks? Could be funny to see Urta or Katherine when they think the CoC PC isn't around.

That sounds pretty damn awesome.  I second this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
That sounds pretty damn awesome.  I second this.

How about a seance with say one of the demons? Could get possessed and bang the fortune teller or get mind-sexed by a demon? Completely in your head but allows for the demon race to make an appearance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

TiTS being built off of CoC and being called mechanically different would be an exaggeration, it is CoC's successor in everything but the story.

uhh, this exists, it was part of the offbeatr. you could transfer your coc character attributes to tits. it was (and i think still is but not 100%) the only way to get horse taur body

Yup, from the offbeatr:

* A save editor for the game with a CoC character import utility.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
It wasn't built off of CoC. It is, fundamentally, mechanically different, it just looks similar. 

I don't believe anything came of the importer due to technical issues, though Gedan or someone would have to weigh in on that.


New Member
Sep 28, 2015
uhh, this exists, it was part of the offbeatr. you could transfer your coc character attributes to tits. it was (and i think still is but not 100%) the only way to get horse taur body

Well this is embarrassing, never checked out the offbeatr stuff because I'm broke as a joke. It's a shame it supposedly didn't work.

Would it be possible to pull some style of MGS-Psychomatis(tells you what games you played and analyzes you based on it) style gag with a fortune teller reading your old save data for kicks? Could be funny to see Urta or Katherine when they think the CoC PC isn't around.

Probably too much excess work to get a small-scale stunt like this up and running but a nice idea nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I kinda wished I'd been able to import my character at first but I was able to become pretty much what I wanted to be quickly enough.


Sep 17, 2015
I think it would be cool even if neither game mixes stories. They don't have to, it could just be a little treat for those of us who dumped so many hours into building our beloved CoC characters. XP/credits wouldn't work out, but I think it would be cool to carry over a few (slightly modified) perks that could only be achieved this way as a nod to CoC players, such as the following:

Enlightened Nine-tails -> Enlightened: 50% greater intelligence gain and energy restoration.

Fire Lord -> Pyrotechnic: As a child, you were always fascinated by kinetic energy. Now your kinetic weapons are 1.5x more effective than usual!

Omnibus' Gift -> Strange Gift: An odd gift from a long forgotten friend... It makes you feel a little strange. (Increased minimum lust but provides lust resistance)

Just fun little perks (literally) for the seasoned CoC player, and it doesn't even have to overlap the stories at all. These three examples each require actually putting some time into your CoC character, so it's not like making a save just to unlock phr33 st00f in TiTS.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
uhh, this exists, it was part of the offbeatr. you could transfer your coc character attributes to tits. it was (and i think still is but not 100%) the only way to get horse taur body

From what I've seen on wiki with horse pill (not tested) if you start or become leithan-esque you can become centaur


Sep 17, 2015
I wouldn't say so for being late game perks, but they were just for the purpose of example anyway.


New Member
Sep 28, 2015
Yeah Fluffy, that sounds pretty sweet. Benefits for late game perks or effort requiring perks would feel pretty gratifying in cases of CoC characters with time heavily invested into them but the whole CoC integration thing already existing would pretty much mean this isn't going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I think it would be cool even if neither game mixes stories. They don't have to, it could just be a little treat for those of us who dumped so many hours into building our beloved CoC characters. XP/credits wouldn't work out, but I think it would be cool to carry over a few (slightly modified) perks that could only be achieved this way as a nod to CoC players, such as the following:

Enlightened Nine-tails -> Enlightened: 50% greater intelligence gain and energy restoration.

Fire Lord -> Pyrotechnic: As a child, you were always fascinated by kinetic energy. Now your kinetic weapons are 1.5x more effective than usual!

Omnibus' Gift -> Strange Gift: An odd gift from a long forgotten friend... It makes you feel a little strange. (Increased minimum lust but provides lust resistance)

Just fun little perks (literally) for the seasoned CoC player, and it doesn't even have to overlap the stories at all. These three examples each require actually putting some time into your CoC character, so it's not like making a save just to unlock phr33 st00f in TiTS.

Yeah Fluffy, that sounds pretty sweet. Benefits for late game perks or effort requiring perks would feel pretty gratifying in cases of CoC characters with time heavily invested into them but the whole CoC integration thing already existing would pretty much mean this isn't going to happen.

But the CoC integration that exists at this point is pretty sloppy anyway. TheRedOne makes a pretty good point imho. If somehow, we get some CoC legacy perks that can't be obtained from any other source ingame, it would endear to the old CoC crowd. God knows how much time I've spent on CoC xD  And I simply love these perks proposed by Fluffy. But I gotta agree with Decanter, somewhat game breaking.

50% increased intelligence gain? Eh, there aren't many sources of permanent stat gain anyway, to affect this stat much - compared with those tinctures and stuff in CoC. 50% increased energy regeneration? Yeeaah, that's game breaking, so let's just scrap that? And for Pyrotechnic, not only Fire Lord, but Hellfire could also be applicable for that, and I think it should target weapons dealing Burning damage instead of Kinetic? And a 25% increase in damage should do.

I think the problem is, you've got to find a balance between the two. On one hand, give a sorta legacy gift for CoC players, but on the other hand it shouldn't be so powerful that players lose the gameplay in TiTS, because things got so much easier with uber perks. I think what we CoC players gotta understand is, both are very separate games, and TiTS is not the sequel of CoC. CoC to TiTS ain't Warlords of Draenor to Legion. You can't just carry the character on over and pick up where you left off. It's a whole new beginning with TiTS.

To me, at this point, I just think making a better CoC to TiTS conversion (and this doesn't have to mix the two stories, just a better conversion, like just Perks even), or completely separating these two games and disabling the conversion mechanics is the way to go. Right now, in the TiTS code, there are some global values for stuff like 'demonic'. 'draconic' and 'anemone' - stuff we don't have in TiTS proper (yet?). If this is just to facilitate CoC conversion, it feels kinda redundant to me. I hope they plan to introduce TiTS canon equivalent races soon. I mean, yeah, I like the anemone cocks and draconic tongues and all, and I like getting them in CoC and getting to keep them in TiTS. But if these were just for CoC transfers, at least have some CoC to TiTS perk equivalent transfers too? Idk, this is just my opinion, so please don't crucify me lol

PS: And for the record, I don't think this was a bad idea at all, TheRedOne. But yeah, I guess we just ended up throwing shit at the wall too huh? xD
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