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  1. sea

    How many credits is a lot of credits?

    I remember something about how credits are only worth as much a merchant this that are. So really depends where your buying.
  2. sea

    Some what do you guys and gals have in your storage?

    I mostly stick anything I think I'll use again (Most of it sit in there for the rest of my playthrough) I'll probably clean it out at some point in the future
  3. sea

    Possible TiTS Planets

    I'm thinking If you are to make a planet dominated by A.I or whatever they got to have some form of shared conscience. Like they have individual platform,but a shared Hivemind. If you get what I mean.I think that could lead to some pretty interesting conversation.
  4. sea

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    I wonder what the vodka taste like in the TITSverse.
  5. sea

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    To be a rusher you need a fast and durable ship,and have an arsenal that would make a vault hunter cream their pants.any of the former I do not have,and would mostly put me into heavy debt if I were to try to get it.Basicly I would only go if I had lots of guns and a good ship(Or I had TITSed;))
  6. sea

    What introduced you to TiTS?

    Was looking through some comments on some art,when someone said that the character look like a nursedroid and left a link.played it and enjoyed.
  7. sea

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    i thought Hey cats are cute,so what if you make a badass who is a cat.A cute badass kitty. My thought process
  8. sea

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    Okay I'll bite loves murder,mead,and guns.Is kind of prick,but soften up when you get to know him.