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  1. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: An Unbridled Follow-up

    Context:ロスト・チルドレンの章-笑.22839/ Hello there, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to a post, written by someone who is clearly very boring and wrong about everything in my own objection and defense. (Wouldn't that making this post wrong as well?) Since no-one...
  2. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Edit: See Perhaps I have my expectation a lil too high for this one still none of those matter, there is a few problem I had with the Gweyr ♂dungeon (not that part unfortunately). In the end, we are given an option of our...
  3. MeIsntVeryCreative

    buy The Way

    Wrong subforum. OMEGALUL