Search results

  1. N

    [0.7.34] Where the new items are + changelog clarification

    I'm making this quickly because the wiki's unkept and I had to browse the commits on Github to locate the new items + to understand one of the lines on the changelog. First up, the new items: "New Items: Laquine Ears, Sweat Treat, Muffstick, FizzyFix, Strawberry Shortcake, Holstaria...
  2. N

    [Spoilers] What's the future of endgame combat?

    I saw a pretty big and pretty sudden jump in combat difficulty for the frostwyrm and that pirate bitch in the power armor. Sure you can take them down legit with the gear available now, but the combat scaling in the current endgame has me wondering if there's been talk about the future of...