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  1. MeIsntVeryCreative

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I already got myself as much spellpower/soulforce related perks as I could. And yes the normal spell still pretty much outperforming Foxfire. I was expecting Foxfire to be atleast at the same performance as the grey spell if not more given what it tooks to access nine-tails. PS: Retracted. See...
  2. MeIsntVeryCreative

    buy The Way

    Huh I guess that confirms it. This is the quote I am referring to, thought it was a setup for future events.
  3. MeIsntVeryCreative

    buy The Way

    Wrong subforum. OMEGALUL
  4. MeIsntVeryCreative

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Actually I wanted to bring up some issues here and there, specifically about kitsune TF. It is pretty hilarious that even with 20000 gems worth of investment on Star Sphere (which is an issue by its own merit), basically behind a paywall of level 42 and full kitsune gear, the normal...
  5. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Training and Sleep time shenaningans

    Well kitsune den dungeon are technically mid-game given that it is a level 4-5/5-6 dungeon (with/without Amulet). (X My personal experience as a mage is that unless you had a tank companion (which I don't find them to be reliable personally) your hitpoint usually wouldn't last even if you had...
  6. MeIsntVeryCreative


    Not sure where this came from but I am sure that the game certainly don't emphasize too much regarding "power level" to begin with and made it explicitly vague so it is pretty much similar to touhou power level situation. I guess it could easily ended either way. Given that the Wraith are...
  7. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Training and Sleep time shenaningans

    I find the attack power scaling fits for the range physical (Thief) build, the attack being magical supposedly to circumvent armor and other physical defense stats which even with high physical penetration, the damage penalty from those stats may still be noticeable in some encounters. Get...
  8. MeIsntVeryCreative


    I think my issues is more of that Kassyra seems pretty tame relatively in terms of threat level "Pepepains" especially if you gone through her lover route as it is now. And yeah that river comment is in response of that thread despite being different subject but I think it is little too trivial...
  9. MeIsntVeryCreative


    Which basically confirmed the suspicion from Lusamine about the Gods is just a bunch of sorcerers...which they were kinda...or trees...or anything potentially once they were powerful enough. I like to think that River being one of the Tsukumogami-like local deity but ideas of him being an agent...
  10. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Foxwife 2: Electric Boogaloo (Found a issue)

    Interesting that more variant for the earlier floof encounter is planned. (sort of?) I had my fair share of grind regarding kitsune content as well though I don't think I've seen the content you have mentioned. The only mention regarding kitsune blood/lineage/whatever related to Champion of...
  11. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I did filed a similar complaint about critical damage for CoC2 combat. As fun as it is to occasionally land some crits, it can be frustrating to be one-shotted especially during dungeon encounters. (TF2 Random Crits LULW ) My suggestions were either tone down the critical damages or ramp up the...
  12. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Who is your favourite character, and why?

    Surprisingly now I thinking about it, I didn't really take a liking by character itself, or favouriTISM at all, or it is just simply that I treated them as a "story" to tell rather than a character. (Unsurprisingly for someone like me whom very detached from humanity, societal and culture)...
  13. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Etheryn Queen Raiment set

    Given how tease ability really lacking a presence (haHAA) throughout the game yeah I almost forgot it being a thing, by that I mean simply base presence tease attack for specific encounters is generally enough and for the general encounters, chipping down their health is usually way faster than...
  14. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Etheryn Queen Raiment set

    Now it got me thinking, does presence stats from the companion did anything at all, beside affecting summons. (math?)
  15. MeIsntVeryCreative

    How Important is Leadership?

    Dealing health/resolve damage? Threat ramping up. Healing? Same. Both are the essential strategy to defeat encounter of the games, with few exception like Wraith encounter in Winter City. On top of that is the enemy AI attack targeting aren't fully controlled by the threat mechanic itself...
  16. MeIsntVeryCreative

    How Important is Leadership?

    I always considered a companion healer is a must. PC as a healer somehow just doesn't worked as well as Cait/Etheryn in case of the enemy mobs/boss decided to focus on you and land one or two crits and burst you down to death. Spirit veil from Cait is pretty useful in that regard.
  17. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Kasyrra’s Dragon Fire

    Interestin, I wonder how much stat that one wraith showed up in winter city.
  18. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Obviously that you are right about how the mechanic doesn't really matter though you can't exactly argue that more world building means lesser objective quality inherently. Not to be overdemanding ofc since this is a open collab project by nature, just some details that I personally like to...
  19. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Reminded me of Joseph Anderson saying if a horror game uses audio and visual element to make you feel scared, it isn't real horror or something stupid like that LUL.
  20. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    I did red it through twice I think, maybe I did missed something. Edit: Just skim it through, though it doesn't seems to mention how they solve it, only briefly mentioned that they disallowed rabid breeding unless I'm just that stupid and missed some sort of blatant message that my dumbass...