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  1. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    My point is that those are the mostly if not all exactly the same town people that turned into cultist. I really don't see how much troublesome it can be to make them stay captivated. If you are debating about resource to allocate for the confinement. Perhaps? You also forgot to take account of...
  2. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    "Don't think, just consoom and wait for the next product." The point of the criticism is that we wish for something can and could be turned out better by pointing out flaws of it, so suddenly we aren't allowed to criticize I guess. "You cannot put feedback for a said software because you don't...
  3. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Well I appreciated that atleast you are trying to make an argument to say the least. Unfortunately that would be classified as false equivalence in terms of debate as that has nothing to do with the point I am making there. No, what you are discussing here before, does the end JUSTIFY the mean...
  4. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Not when those prisoners are literally their own people/children. You forgot to take that in account. Imprisonment would be much MUCH more preferable option.
  5. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Whether you agree or disagree in terms of your opinion is unfortunately irrelevant when it comes to debate.
  6. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    I don't think argumentation is considered a form of assholery yet here we are, a strange time indeed. You are not the first one that would considered me for being asshole for exercising free speech and critical thinking. Unfortunately as flawed as it is, being more agreeable doesn't mean more...
  7. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    No, I have never said that. You are making a strawman here. My problem is that Gweyr personally never took that in account before starting her butchery. Which is very morally questionable in terms of motivation. This argument is essentially whether the end justify the mean I would assume. Like...
  8. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Perhaps, I thought the strike-through and obviously derogatory form of retarded would make satire obvious. If it is not, then I apologize. I afraid that the gameplay elements has no merit in terms of the writing perspective in this regards. Even then, it actually proves a writing inconsistency...
  9. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Well that is also part of the problem I criticized in my original post, that Sander acting nothing like an idiot, which doesn't make much sense btw. Time limits can be more and less derived from the fact that a girl is being kidnaped and they are trying to create a portal? Sure but Gweyr...
  10. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Perhaps my language is a bit harsh, but just like I said, What strikes me as odd is that you don't follow up your latest post with your own reasoning, why is that I wonder?
  11. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Like I said, it is basically a manslaughter lacking any hesitation, I seriously don't see there is any way to justify and rationalize that as a normal/sane individuals. Just I said before, the cultists doesn't poses as real threat to Gweyr, yet she did it anyway.
  12. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    It was supposed to be a reference to gachimuchi dungeon :/
  13. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Then again, given how Gweyr describes the cultists, well being a pushover, as someone who is effective starting a new life as a mother/waitress in Hawkethorne, I seriously don't see how it make sense that Gweyr doesn't try the alternative way to deal with them aside rip and tear, especially when...
  14. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    You are right about technically "like" and "dislike" both are a different response from "interesting". Still they are all, one form of subjective opinion. Those are unquantifiable emotional responses.
  15. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Depends I guess. Those elements can be interesting to some, myself included. Turns out subjective opinion is subjective! What a shock!
  16. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Why would I hate what is effectively a fluff balls with body pillows as tails. wwww
  17. MeIsntVeryCreative

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Yeah it is not really meant to be entirely serious comments though the context of the OP post has became hardly relevant for newer discussion is the part that makes me crack a bit.
  18. MeIsntVeryCreative

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    Edit: See Perhaps I have my expectation a lil too high for this one still none of those matter, there is a few problem I had with the Gweyr ♂dungeon (not that part unfortunately). In the end, we are given an option of our...
  19. MeIsntVeryCreative

    buy The Way

    Yes that would make sense but given that it's the text that happened during the Aya scene where herself alone struggling against two? Raphael's bandit albeit desperately. It would make more sense that what Kinu is referring to one or some of her mother's possession that worth brought it up from...