*Cough, cough* "Met_Kiro" flag *Cough*
I literally wasted three hours farming for the "Tentacle Trouble for Turned-on Tanukis" story.
My anger was indescribable.
No, the tf data says that you get an eye type, as well as multiple eyes. They are two completely different variables. Which is kinda cool, cause now u can make a character with multiple Gryvian eyes, or some shit. Save Scumming for da win!
Great, @Woider , you've destroyed the comedic potential and relevancy of my post, ruined a good chunk of my childhood, and rendered me flaccid for the remainder of the week.:colbert:
:catte:OMG, I just thought of a name that is pretty funny ( at least to me ), but the reason is kinda racist...
:negativeman:Oh Great @Magic Ted , I beg of thee! Please be merciful with thine punishment!
No way, dude! Mickey is more like Yoda (short, wise, and insanely powerful) , Donald and Goofy are more like Han and Chewy, and Xehanort is totally the Emperor! If anyone is comparable to Vader, it would be Roxas and/or Riku.