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  1. WolframL

    Will there ever be an option to remove Etheryns dick? (replacing it with a vagina)

    As has already been mentioned, Ryn's entire character is shaped by the fact that she was born intersex so changing any aspect of her wouldn't 'just' mean writing new sex scenes, it would mean a fundamental change in her sense of identity. Like I've said elsewhere, it's a lot more interesting to...
  2. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    You can already do this with TFs so I doubt there will be any sort of shop added where you can change these on a whim, except maybe with dyes to get colors that aren't naturally occurring like with Cait's pink hair. Under the current system you might need multiple items and some save scumming to...
  3. WolframL

    Which build and class deals the most damage?

    I'm still waiting for that first battle when I run into something classed appropriately for my Black Mage's Ultimate to apply its damage effect, because it will be glorious seeing that 470 damage. Everything that's currently in the game that it would work on, I beat before unlocking it. Not that...
  4. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    All of these sound amazing, in addition to everything else you're working on. I'd say the cat harem trio would be more pussy than Evelyn knows what to do with but she did manage to handle the current Champ/Cait/Ryn foursome so... :D
  5. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    True, but I'm still worried that if she came to visit and I turned my back, Kinu would ask what sorts of adventures daddy gets up to while they're away. There are things my little girl doesn't need to know and the story of what happened last Thursday in the chapel after hours with the blindfold...
  6. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yeah, different syllables so if you swap them you get different words (or possibly gibberish) but as I understand it, it's not as bad as spoken Chinese where the way you say the word can alter the meaning. Though I imagine in a world like Savarra, messing up and complimenting someone on their...
  7. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    I think the first step is to look really good in a red dress and have a footlong penis. Since the game tracks the system clock for seasonal events, turning it into an ingame clock would make it impossible for players to check out most of the events except during the right times of year. Would...
  8. WolframL

    Which build and class deals the most damage?

    Yeah, there's no One True Build and the developers have mentioned they want to discourage min-maxing which is why TFs are never going to provide things that can break difficulty, like stronger At-Will powers than what's normally available, or the Flight buff. The above example is pretty...
  9. WolframL

    Etheryn Transformation

    So if someone stumbled into the royal bedchamber and found Ryn balls-deep in the Champion, they could say without a word of lie that they were just playing a game called Hide The Salami. "You awaken the next morning, thoroughly sore and leaking cum out of all your holes. The last coherent...
  10. WolframL

    Etheryn Transformation

    I've got a Champion who would be totally down to help Ryn keep the royal sceptre polished if that happens. xD Well, they'd be doing it anyways ('it's not the size, it's how you use it') but bigger certainly can't hurt.
  11. WolframL

    Etheryn Transformation

    There's a dream sequence where the Champion can make her a full female. It requires high corruption and reads like a rape scene, which pretty much tells you everything you need to know. As I mentioned in some other topic, from a development perspective the more you can change about Companions...
  12. WolframL

    Trials Crossover Thingy

    Are you sure it did? I just did a couple runs of the scene on a file where the champion and Cait were both anal virgins and regardless of which option I picked, neither lost their virginity even after the anal probing. I've noticed that at least when it comes to the description of your...
  13. WolframL

    Ryan's confidence

    Yeah, as Savin said the easiest way is to see how Harrick reacts to you; the happier her murderbird is around you, the more confident she is.. The quickest ways to raise her confidence with repeatable scenes are to hug her (cuddling afterwards also lowers her Libido by a good amount) and to pick...
  14. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yes. :p Okay, more the former than the latter but neither one screams 'good person'.
  15. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    A little late to the party on the Evergreen conversation but since Etheryn has recently come up as well, yeah, the scene where you take her to Evergreen to ask about the cage definitely sends strong 'Something's not right here' vibes even if you don't do the Den of Foxes quest and get another...
  16. WolframL


    Uhhh, let me give this a shot. - Don't skip the tutorial, you can get some free gear from it (the Blade Staff in particular is nice for mages) and if you want to gain Corruption the easiest way to get a good chunk of it in a hurry is to get it from Kasyrra. - There are three companions you can...
  17. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    I'll defer to your read on it (and anything Savin cares to say) since it sounds like you'd know the mindset better than me. Like I said it was just the way I saw that bit. And I think we can all agree that Alissa is definitely a controlling abusive prick. And given how long it's been going on...
  18. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    The bit I quote below kicks in at something like 70 Libido. Cuddling after a hug lowers it. That's what I was thinking of. In the same conversation she can tell the Champion that she wanted to deny it but she feels like she belonged where Alissa put her while also saying that her sister had no...
  19. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Yeah, it is really cool to see. Just don't get her libido too high or she'll start saying that she deserved the degradation Alissa inflicted on her, as I've found with one of my alt Champion files I set up for the purpose of seeing high Corruption scenes.
  20. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Ball Massage>Stuff Her and Assfuck>Roughly raise her Libido without lowering her Confidence, the former more than the latter and without being a dick to Ryn, figuratively and literally.