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  1. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    Uh, you get sent to a mental institution?
  2. XBoxMaster131

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Wait, what does the black leash have to do with Sera? Is it for her sub content?
  3. XBoxMaster131

    Stupid question about Ramis

    Stupidity works in mysterious ways.
  4. XBoxMaster131

    Stupid question about Ramis

    Shit, thanks man. Used to be that I'd edit away my breasts and vag, then edit in and use a fuckload of Mann-up. You just cut my time spent in the editor by about 80%! That said, it's still a hassle. Maybe once we get her on the ship she'll be more willing to, heh, "broaden her horizons";).
  5. XBoxMaster131

    Stupid question about Ramis

    Same. I'm all for characters being real unique, or whatever, but I'm getting real sick of having to boot up TitsEd whenever I wanna boink her.
  6. XBoxMaster131

    The Public Build

    The new holiday mode. No more changing the settings on my computer just to get a specific scene!
  7. XBoxMaster131

    Continue tits story past fighting the frost wyrm

    Oh, man, I laughed so hard at this! Thank you, man!
  8. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    I meant the whole alien parasite thing. Same deal, really.
  9. XBoxMaster131

    Continue tits story past fighting the frost wyrm

    Oh my god, that gave me an AMAZING idea! The planet would suck, but not in a literal sense. It could be a planet where oral is like a huge thing, and there could be really unique and interesting interactions if you have a mouthgina or lipples, and we can have characters with their own mouthginas...
  10. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    I think we already got this covered in with Kashima Incident.
  11. XBoxMaster131

    Continue tits story past fighting the frost wyrm

    All we need now is a lava and water world and we'll have covered all the bases!
  12. XBoxMaster131

    Stupid question about Ramis

    Is that going to change when she becomes a follower?
  13. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    It's eggs. It says that in the Codex entry.
  14. XBoxMaster131

    Got bored and started reviewing smut games

    If I were you, I'd definitely give it another shot, at least. A year and a half is along ass time. If they haven't worked out at least a few bugs by now, I'll be genuinely surprised.
  15. XBoxMaster131

    Stupid question about Ramis

    Yeah, i know about that, but I swear I once heard something about herms not being able to fuck her being a glitch. I remember Savin responded to it himself, but I can't for the life of me remember who else was in on the conversation.
  16. XBoxMaster131

    Stupid question about Ramis

    Ok, so this is going to make me look like an idiot, but this has been bugging me all weekend and I just don't care. Is it possible to fuck Ramis whist you're a feminine herm? Cause I suddenly remembered hearing something about there being a glitch making germs unable to bone her. I'm like 50%...
  17. XBoxMaster131

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    She also doubles as a roomba. Anno literally plops her onto the sheets after one of her sex scenes.
  18. XBoxMaster131

    Got bored and started reviewing smut games

    Seriously? Well, how's the porn? Is that at least decent? Edit: Also, how long ago did you look at it? Cause if it was a while, they may have patched some things up by now.
  19. XBoxMaster131

    Got bored and started reviewing smut games

    @Nnxx Another one still in development. This one is called "Cloud Meadow". Basically Stardew Valley with sex and furries.
  20. XBoxMaster131

    A list of unrelated questions

    Maybe something like this?