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  1. XBoxMaster131

    A list of unrelated questions

    Greeeeaat, thanks a lot, whoever-was-screwing-around-in-there! You just ruined it for all the rest of us!
  2. XBoxMaster131

    For Lund, what exactly qualifies as "Amazon"?

    Seriously? Well that's kinda bs.
  3. XBoxMaster131

    For Lund, what exactly qualifies as "Amazon"?

    Hmm, this may be a bug. Try the Treatment Amazon, and if that doesnt work, then make a report in the Bugs Section.
  4. XBoxMaster131

    For Lund, what exactly qualifies as "Amazon"?

    Just make another save if you really want to see it. Or edit the current one so you're no longer a goo.
  5. XBoxMaster131

    For Lund, what exactly qualifies as "Amazon"?

    Yeah, the goo tf really screws around with the other stuff.
  6. XBoxMaster131

    New Frostwyrm Content Thread! [Current Project: Flurry The Frostwyrm (Implemented!)]

    True. In CoC, we could pull the "magical maturity" card. Not so much here. Plus, back then we didn't have to conform in order to avoid the possibility of getting the main source of monetary support getting pulled away from us. Also, in all honesty, there wasn't really that much incest stuff in...
  7. XBoxMaster131

    [WIP] Raye, Whore Catboy at Beth's (+follower)

    Not removed, just shrunk.
  8. XBoxMaster131

    This might be worth looking into Fen ^^

    Someone already tried to make a character viewer for CoC, and it was a total disaster.
  9. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    Which is a pretty ironic, considering Tumblr is doing everything it can to prevent these blogs from being seen.
  10. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    Make it cum instead of bullets! Just some person standing around, begging for bukkake.
  11. XBoxMaster131

    Is it just me, or has the tech received a massive buff?

    Nah, man, trust me, she'll push your shit in.
  12. XBoxMaster131

    Possible TiTS Planets

    Probably more Mad Max than Fallout, from what I've heard. Maybe a hint of Borderlands sprinkled in, too.
  13. XBoxMaster131

    Who Do You Think They Sound Like?

    I just look at their busts and dialouge and make up my own voices for them based on that. Admittedly a lot of them turn out pretty similar, if not identical, but whatevs.
  14. XBoxMaster131

    A few questions...

    1: Where do I find Verusha? And 2: how long does the zill male pregnancy last?
  15. XBoxMaster131

    i just had horrifying thought

    I know. Isn't it great?
  16. XBoxMaster131

    Fuck the spiders
  17. XBoxMaster131

    Girl on the verge of suicide: please help

    What's fake? The number?
  18. XBoxMaster131

    New Frostwyrm Content Thread! [Current Project: Flurry The Frostwyrm (Implemented!)]

    Pretty sure the only reason why we got away with Shade and Astra is cause we are only half and quarter siblings, respectively, and the fact that with Shade, we never actually penetrate her; just her tail. So we get away on a bit of a technicality.
  19. XBoxMaster131

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    If all else fails, maybe instead of a revisit or role play, we could do something like the Memory Den from Fallout 4, you know? Just, relive the memories of the sex.
  20. XBoxMaster131

    Baby-Daddies/Mommies; who's on your list?

    She, along with Shade, Kara, Kiro, and maybe Sam depending on how she gets fleshed out, are in kind of a grey area. They're decent people, its just that they sometimes do bad things.