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  1. TheShepard256

    TiTS Starfinder Campaign Guide Progress update

    I find the TiTS code to be fairly easy to read, and I don't actually have much coding experience at all (I've done a bit of Python; TiTS is written in ActionScript3). At the very least, you don't need to be familiar with that specific coding language to understand a good portion of it -...
  2. TheShepard256

    TiTS Starfinder Campaign Guide Progress update

    The public GitHub (mainly /classes/Characters) contains all the information on enemies you'd want; though it's 9 months out of date now and thus doesn't include any enemy added since then (mainly Dhaal's gabilani enemies and Feruze encounter), what's there should be more than enough for you to...
  3. TheShepard256

    William's Wall

    This may be considered heresy, but I don't really care much for the Jumpers as a group or as individuals. So, no opinion.
  4. TheShepard256

    what are you thankful for in tits?

    This might sound weird, but... The general lack of racial* and sexual discrimination in the greater UGC. While such discrimination does exist in TiTS, it's portrayed as the exception rather than the rule and is usually something only primitive or relatively backwards societies (e.g. Myrellion...
  5. TheShepard256

    Achievement hunting

    On the subject of unlocking achievements, what are the exact requirements for To the Brim? The description only states "Become inundated with fluids", but there are three different types of cumflation in the game, and they can have wildly varying values depending on who does the cumflating; it's...
  6. TheShepard256

    The Bizzare Bazaar (TiTSEd for MAC/Android Users)

    Eye count is directly tied to eye type: arachnid gives 4, xhelarfog gives 3, all others give 2.
  7. TheShepard256

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I was also thinking it could be something like Puppyslutmas when I was writing that comment, only I didn't know how to phrase it how I wanted. I would also welcome it if such an event was added to the game.
  8. TheShepard256

    Starfinder Campaign Guide project update / minor help needed.

    You recall incorrectly. Vendiko's gravity isn't explicitly stated to be higher than Earth's; you may be thinking of the moon's thick atmosphere (yes, it's a moon, not a planet), which helped the gryvain evolve the ability to fly. High gravity would hinder both their flight and being taller than...
  9. TheShepard256

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Likely never. It's not a Rush planet, and I can't think of any reason for Steele to go/be invited there unless Kiro and/or Kally take us to meet their parents.
  10. TheShepard256

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    You can already get passive income through Lane (requires resolving their hypnotism side-quest with high Willpower and a Nice personality) and/or Bizzy (and her payouts increase the further you get into her storyline), but once you get to Zheng Shi's Recreation Deck money is no longer a concern...
  11. TheShepard256

    Has the "Impulse" Cheat Code been disabled or removed?

    Trying on the latest public version, the Impulse command doesn't work by typing it into a text box (including the Codex's Console and V-Ko's Custom Input), but it does work without; go to a screen with no buttons mapped to S or E (e.g. the Codex main menu) or hold down the Shift key, then type...
  12. TheShepard256

    Small Dhaal Implant Upgrade [WIP]

    It's feasible from a technical standpoint; there's already code in place that can give characters a minimum or fixed ejaculation size, and applying those to Steele through this implant would be no problem. From a writing standpoint, the description makes it sound like it's only supposed to...
  13. TheShepard256

    What do you think a day in the life of a UGC citizen is like?

    The average citizen's life probably isn't too different from a modern person's, if I were to guess: wake up, go to school/work, socialise, pay taxes/bills, etc.. The quality of most stuff (food, health care, scientific knowledge, etc.) would be a significant improvement over what we have in the...
  14. TheShepard256

    Starfinder Campaign Guide project update / minor help needed.

    On two of Fisianna's dates. We have, kind of. They're mentioned in several places, all related to Camarilla-aligned locations (i.e. Uveto Station) and NPCs (i.e. some toves).
  15. TheShepard256

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    They're already necessary to operate turret-type weapons, but anything like what you're talking about will have to wait until the proper ship systems are developed and implemented (the current are just placeholders).
  16. TheShepard256

    Does Fetch&Carry scene trigger for cis females?

    Correct; there's variants for one cock < 12.5", two+ cocks < 12.5" and having a vagina, though the vagina-having variant still involves Steele's cock.
  17. TheShepard256

    Starfinder Campaign Guide project update / minor help needed.

    That would be a possibility, and I can see it being within the realms of what TiTS nanotech can accomplish. I still think the Leitha Charm Necklace's effects being permanent TFs makes more sense, since a) doing the nano-hive thing would be a lot harder, and b) it's the only leithan TF we know...
  18. TheShepard256

    Does Fetch&Carry scene trigger for cis females?

    Yes, it does require a cock (specifically, one less than 12.5" long). The wiki's wrong again.
  19. TheShepard256

    Starfinder Campaign Guide project update / minor help needed.

    Based on how they reproduce (live birth with breastfeeding), I'd say they're mammals rather than insects, and their chitin is more like armour than part of their skin, so bleeding haemolymph or whatever from it wouldn't be an issue. The 'no way of healing damage' thing is a good point, however...
  20. TheShepard256

    Starfinder Campaign Guide project update / minor help needed.

    There aren't any major political figures who are explicitly named; the closest we have to that would be leaders of individual nations (or equivalents) on each Rush planet (and the primitive areas of Uveto VII), plus Nastizia who AFAIK is the future ruler of a relatively minor planet (but since...