No, because Ryn's dialogue changes post-WC if you've missed the triggers for it you can't start that sequence after the fact. I very much doubt that Savin will make something as fundamental as uncaging Ryn dependent on whether the player has done a particular missable conversation that's gated...
Baseline Ryn has enough self-esteem to recognize that what Alissa did to her was wrong and to hate it. If you push her to high Libido without similarly boosting her Confidence (which means doing things that she's visibly uncomfortable with and ignoring her desires in order to gratify your own)...
Go and read some of Ryn's content when she's at low/mid Libido and then go look at the same text when she's at high Libido. I'll even give you a hand and point you to the Her Story conversation as a good place to start. If you can't see the difference between them, I can't help you.
That scene thematically reminds me of a sexed-up version of what Crowley does in Good Omens to corrupt people, pushing a whole lot of individuals into making themselves and everybody around them just a bit worse than before by their own actions, rather than slowly trying to tempt a single person...
Obligatory reminder that this is not CoC1.
Yeah, even when companion corruption starts being a bigger thing, that's not how it's gonna work. Savin has been clear from the beginning that corruption in Savarra is more moral than physical. It's not going to alter party member behavior to the...
I also like how she's got a lot of interests and figuring out what she wants to do with her life other than necessarily being a Mallachite priestess is something she's working on.
Seeing her with other partners while you're not directly involved a la the town Explore option, or setting her up...
The best glitches are always the absurd ones. Like Brint fucking the Champ so hard he literally crushed your legs into nonexistence, or the Spiraled Blade rewarding insomniacs with damage stacking, or underwear so sexy it broke your saves.
Did you not read the bolded warning about how corrupting the hive is an irreversible thing? Or the tooltip that says you'll reduce the entire hive to horny playthings when it asks you if you're really really sure you want to do that, just in case you mis-clicked or are having second thoughts...
Yeah, that's down to a mix of player preference and writer preference. Based on all the metrics the devs have, the vast majority of players aren't into M/M (see here and here for examples where they've said this) and it's not something any of the core staff is super-interested in so there isn't...
You... go to the Appearance screen and look? Possibly cycling it a few times because the parser-based descriptions are all semi-random? If 'soft and girly' doesn't show up at some point, try raising your Femininity without pushing it to the point that the game considers the Champ a Shemale...
Low Tone and really low Thickness should do it for the chest description, then TF your Butt/Hip rating to where you want it. The wiki has a list of ways to alter the first two stats (what you'd need depends on where the stats are now) and Purple Egg infused with Juicy Peach can raise the latter two.
The entire game is balanced around a party of three, with some dungeons being specially designed to account for an additional guest character. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to change, unless you enjoy hypoxia.
And you'll write all those, will you? And get the relevant permissions and make sure it would make sense for them to have sleep scenes? Because as adorable as it would be to have Rina sleeps, we can't actually sleep at B-haus and she's not in a position to leave Khor'minos to hang out at the...
Tarah is somewhere on Garde's To Do list but they're kind of busy with other Big Things right now. In general more Centaur/Marefolk village content (and some more content for the corrupted Hive) is on the 'We'd like to do it when there's time but we don't have firm plans' list.
Less advertising for the game and more a bit of 'Haha, that's amusing' for people who already know about it' I'd say.
The potential free advertising only works if people watching the video decide to look up the source of one specific image and find the game. It's aimed at Russian-speakers while...
I think you're not quite sure what 'lock out' means, because you're using it in the opposite sense of how things are working. The Marcher-Baron(ess) stuff has content locked behind it (ie you must have that Title to see that content) but it does not lock you out of some of the content you have...
I almost wish I could understand what's being said, so I could know just what batshit insane things they must be saying based on that summary. I don't know if it would be funny or sad... or probably a mix of both.