Search results

  1. TheShepard256


    You're probably just getting unlucky; Canadia Station's random bar encounters are heavily weighted towards the planet-specific encounters, so Kiro has a fairly low chance of appearing there (same with Erra).
  2. TheShepard256

    kat. signing contract/ licensed whore

    Simply refuse the new contract; it doesn't have any negative impact, and you can still whore yourself out afterwards.
  3. TheShepard256

    Some fights are still straight up unfair with Easy Mode enabled

    Libido doesn't actually make you weak to lust-based attacks; low Willpower and the Easy perk do. Higher Willpower means both higher chances of resisting lust-based attacks in general (which either reduces damage or prevents it entirely) and higher Lust Defence (which reduces damage taken even...
  4. TheShepard256

    [0.9.007] Fei An Location Bug

    @lowercase_donkey As per my discussion with Yui on the Discord from here:, it appears that Fei An Strozo's location is either not being set properly, or being deleted when it shouldn't. Neither of us have any...
  5. TheShepard256

    What happened to Earth?

    Absolutely not. I don't think anything in TiTS is WH40K levels of bad; at its worst, it's Star Wars levels of bad, and even that's only during a major interstellar war (of which there have only been two).
  6. TheShepard256

    What happened to Earth?

    We're not sure how much Earth has changed in the five millennia since today, but it's still prosperous enough that Victor Steele was comfortable raising his heir (i.e. the PC) there. New Brisbane and probably Ur Caledon are in a similar situation to New Texas; they're colony worlds named after...
  7. TheShepard256

    Is there a way to make your character a tomboy?

    I'd say Femininity < 20%, breast size of B-cups or less. ManUp or Twink-Ease will probably be your best bet, though they can also give you a cock, so you'll need to either save-scum to avoid that or undo it later (e.g. going to Lash, overdosing on Condensol). For the hips & ass, if they're too...
  8. TheShepard256

    What content would you like added?

    I thought the commendations for finding iron were because Kitsuhon only had access to relatively low quality iron, and Savarran iron is of significantly higher quality. Kazuo aside, I never got the impression they were actively working towards more advanced technology.
  9. TheShepard256

    What content would you like added?

    Iron/steel is not inherently superior to bronze, especially not at CoC2's level of technological advancement (IIRC, iron is better for swords but bronze is better for armour; that's something I read on this forum). AFAIK, Kitsuhon relies on iron because they don't have access to enough tin to...
  10. TheShepard256


    Being an absentee father does not, by itself, constitute being an uncaring asshole; it requires a complete lack of regard for anyone other than one's self. Hirrud Grune is an excellent example.
  11. TheShepard256

    How to trigger date with teyaal's daughter

    That used to be the case, but it was changed very recently so that any given piece of content is backers exclusive for a full month after it's implemented. This generally means public players like us won't get the content as soon as we used to, but on the flipside we'll still get it as often as...
  12. TheShepard256


    Nah, he's not an uncaring asshole.
  13. TheShepard256

    How to trigger date with teyaal's daughter

    Are you a backer? If not, you won't be able to access that content yet, as it's not public content yet (though it should become public next week or so).
  14. TheShepard256

    Queen Taivra - Peace option 4?

    Princess Taivris; her room is in the upper-left corner or the palace. In case you didn't know, you need to fight your way through the guards first; if you bribe them, you'll go straight to Taivra with no option to explore (and thus meet the princess). Also, selecting that option causes Taivra to .
  15. TheShepard256

    Galomax messes with ability to get pregnant?

    Being a galotian shouldn't interfere with your ability to get pregnant; however, most pregnancies are not guaranteed to occur (AFAIK, the only ones that are guaranteed are parasites (which ignore fertility) and Frosty/Nykke). Assuming you're not under some other sterility effect, you're probably...
  16. TheShepard256

    How do i give birth faster

    You have the option to wait out the pregnancy in the nursery. For future pregnancies, you'll either want to avoid them (overdosing on Sterilex or removing your vagina helps with that, as either will prevent most (but not all) pregnancies) or speed them up by increasing your Incubation Speed...
  17. TheShepard256

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I agree, though I guess it could be justified from a lore perspective: the culture of the Gryvain Heartland Republic (where most gryvain would hail from) is one that kind of looks down on things like combat and manual labour, which would naturally discourage its members from becoming Planet...
  18. TheShepard256

    How is the order of whether the bug/typos gets fixed decided?

    I've done that in the TiTS bug reports, and the devs themselves advised me against that. Keeping different bugs, or at least different types of bugs, in separate threads helps keep track of which ones have been fixed and which haven't; putting small things like typos and misused parsers in the...
  19. TheShepard256

    What content would you like added?

    Right, but Cait also has sex with other people, mainly cock-wielders. If the Champ doesn't know that she can't get pregnant, they might still wonder why she's not worried about it even if they're not capable of impregnating her themself.
  20. TheShepard256

    How can i Revert myself from being goo back to human

    GaloMax's effects are irreversible. Depending on how many you take, either regular TFs will still work on you, or you can self-transform into (mostly) whatever appearance you wish, though you'll still maintain whatever level of gooiness you have.