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  1. XBoxMaster131

    Help finding audio related to TiTs.

    Well, there is one project that I'm pretty sure was abandoned that featured Kara. I think it was a much more linear, stand alone thing called "The Silence", kinda like Urta Quest in CoC1, or maybe even a visual novel? I dont think it was even fully finished though. You can find some details...
  2. XBoxMaster131

    Non binary options?

    There's already a sizeable enough backlog of shit to get done as is, they're not going to divert precious time and resources to solve a problem very few people have that be solved by just shrugging and biting a bullet.
  3. XBoxMaster131

    Dhaal Spy post Dungeon?

    Sorry to necro this a bit, i was away for a while, but do you mean no as in its not currently implemented, or no as in there's nothing there currently and nothing planned?
  4. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    Possible missing paragraph
  5. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    missing space
  6. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    Maybe remove the comma after two
  7. XBoxMaster131

    Dhaal Spy post Dungeon?

    God fucking dammit.....
  8. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    maybe add an apostaphe to subordinates. idk exactly where thoguh, sorry
  9. XBoxMaster131

    Loans and Debt Slavery

    Setting a timer to necro this thread in 4 years....
  10. XBoxMaster131

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I don't think that really counts since we don't actually get to walk around and stuff.
  11. XBoxMaster131

    What does this do?

    Well fistfuck me for 48hours and call me daddy, they actually did add a new cocksock
  12. XBoxMaster131

    Dhaal Spy post Dungeon?

    So, are there any interactions with the Dhaal spy post dungeon? Like, how do i hand in the disk from the safe? Do i need to wait for an email? And what if i beat the snotout of him?
  13. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    I think something is glitched with some of the wander scnes when looking for the Spy for the Dhaal quest. The unique encounters that show up when looking for him dont appear until after i finished the dungeon. Not sure how significant this is which is why i put it here. can give a save file
  14. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    Mybe add a comma before and after "uh"
  15. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    typo. Aslo kinda feel like maybe theres a paragraph missing before or after lemme warm you up. IDK, couldnt place it so i just bunched it in here, hope you dont mind
  16. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    extra period in ellipses again, should i even bother with ones like these? i just dont wanna waste your time
  17. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    fucked up and posted a few in the wrong thread. My bad!
  18. XBoxMaster131

    About the Dhaal Dungeon....

    uh..... woops
  19. XBoxMaster131

    About the Dhaal Dungeon....

    extra f in after