Search results

  1. TheShepard256

    Codex entry about how JoyCo had a more sinister side?

    Sorry, but I can't corroborate this - while JoyCo does send its V-Ko nursedroids to Rush planets, and those droids do charge for their services (50 credits, which I think is fairly cheap), there's no implication that it's trying to make those planets reliant upon JoyCo for health services...
  2. TheShepard256

    Weird email from cousin after Dhaal dungeon *possible spoilers*

    If you rescue the rival, they should be much more tsundere (or at least, less rude than we've usually seen them) in the email. What you encountered is almost certainly a bug.
  3. TheShepard256

    what do i do with sophora

    There'll be more content for her later, but right now, combat (with accompanying sex scenes and Bad End) and creepy, threatening stalking is all there is to her.
  4. TheShepard256

    Random Transformations

    Oh no, it's "why are my tits massive?" all over again! In all seriousness though, reading item descriptions is generally a good idea; if they have transformative effects (which a handful do), they'll be listed there. You'd be surprised how many people miss that kind of stuff; equipping the...
  5. TheShepard256

    How do you like to treat your guys?

    As I said, I'm predominantly gynesexual, so I'm usually not really into masculine individuals by themselves (and especially not gay/bara/yaoi/etc. stuff) - I much prefer feminine individuals, though I'm also fine with "straight" (i.e. masculine on feminine) action. That said, I also view my PCs...
  6. TheShepard256

    Bizzy's Mom

    Talk to Bizzy about her family, and make sure you've completed either of her story paths first (doesn't matter which, and for the big tits route, it also doesn't matter whether she goes hyper or merely massive).
  7. TheShepard256

    Any way to get a quadruped (dragon, lizard, wolf, etc...)?

    There are several transformatives that can give you four legs; off the top of my head, they include (but might not be limited to) Catnip, Taurico Venidae and the Leitha Charm Necklace. However, most other transformatives will typically set your leg count to 2 before changing your leg type, while...
  8. TheShepard256

    Shade and amara

    Nope; I managed to get the threesome despite not encountering Shade in KQ2. Presumably, Shade finds out about it from Amara later.
  9. TheShepard256

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Most pregnancies don't cause breast growth, and those that do don't give more than a handful of cup sizes; however, lactation will cause a flat chest to get up to 3 cup sizes bigger due to all the milk (+1 at 75% fullness, +1.5 at 100%, +2 at 150%, +3 at 200%), which (as its own dedicated...
  10. TheShepard256

    A list of unrelated questions

    None at all. If I were to guess based on official busts and just general depictions of them, I'd guess the length of a taur's tauric half would be ~60% of their full height, maybe a bit more for leithans due to their additional set of legs. I could be significantly off, though, and there's...
  11. TheShepard256

    How do you like to treat your guys?

    I'm not into seeing guys penetrated, so I prefer to see them penetrating women, preferably dominantly in the way Brint and Ciaran do. Unless he's sufficiently feminine, in which case my sexuality groups him with women, and all bets are off. (Note: I am predominantly gynesexual, which probably...
  12. TheShepard256

    Game ideas. Opinions wanted.

    Fine by me!
  13. TheShepard256

    Game ideas. Opinions wanted.

    Yeah, I'd rather not go with the "magic inherently breaks technology" route. The way I think of magic is as some reality-altering thing that's only available to organics (and possibly even a subset of organics, as is usually the case) and can't be properly replicated by technology (by which I...
  14. TheShepard256

    Game ideas. Opinions wanted.

    I'm not familiar enough with WH40K to answer the first half of that question, but it's a hard yes on the second half.
  15. TheShepard256

    Game ideas. Opinions wanted.

    Another idea: how about, instead of science fiction, we do science fantasy (essentially, sci-fi with magic and maybe some other fantasy elements)? That seems to be even rarer than regular sci-fi.
  16. TheShepard256

    Witchhunt [IC]

    Astra prepared herself - both to power up the demon he'd draw next, and to face whatever horrors it must have inflicted on his late companions... ... and breathed a silent sigh of relief upon the Fallen Paladin's surrender. She was not looking forward to seeing the gruesome details of what her...
  17. TheShepard256

    Question regarding Celise and Jasvalla.

    The wiki can be out of date in places, especially for content that's only been added since the JS port. As for your questions, the answers are "no" and "yes", respectively, though the cramping does indicate that you're pregnant (it might even be possible to narrow down the possibilities quite a...
  18. TheShepard256

    A list of unrelated questions

    Laquine Ears has a lot of possible effects; what you're seeing is simply the result of that combined with the random nature of most TFs.
  19. TheShepard256

    War Scythe Doesn't doesn't give all it's stats

    It may be the case that the crit chance displayed in your stats screen is the crit chance that applies to all attacks, and since the War Scythe's crit chance only applies to attacks made with the Scythe, it's not reflected in that screen. Some other stats (e.g. accuracy) work the same way; if...