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  1. Seeker

    Some fights are still straight up unfair with Easy Mode enabled

    Yeah, I'm now grinding for higher attributes. :gedsweat: I just resent a fight I have to specifically gear up for & then study a Meta for. :iiam: The juice isn't worth the squeeze. If the rat gang dropped items/tokens or key cards that unlocked Psionic casting or a Unique star...
  2. Seeker

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Creating your own ship would also be a great thing...
  3. Seeker

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    That works. Personally, I'd like to see him/her perform Zheng Shi prison level Hard Labor/ serve as a Stunt Double for Steph Irson or Tank Kannon's personal onahole.
  4. Seeker

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Because killing him/her would lower my Kindness score.
  5. Seeker

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    That's fine. However, I'd like see high level content when Jack/Jill is jailed & the PC then takes the reigns of Steele Tech.
  6. Seeker

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Can we get a bank that pays interest on the player's credit balance? Steele Tech gets into Venture Capital? Financing the Gilden Republic's push against the Reds would be a real hoot. Stock Market investments? Snugglé & Akkadi R&D would be fun to buy out...
  7. Seeker

    Top 3 Favourite Video Games/series

    Diablo 1, 2, & 3. Borderlands 1 & 2. Roadwar 2000 & Europa. Wizard Crown is an honorable mention.
  8. Seeker

    Obtain money

    Zheng Shi. Battle the bots & pickup nothing but Savicite.
  9. Seeker

    Some fights are still straight up unfair with Easy Mode enabled

    That said, I wish that there was a "Glue Trap" cheat code to remove the rodents from the game, a side mission to wipe their home world or just plain old Mouse Repellent. The constant stunlocks got really old. Annoying fights aren't fun.
  10. Seeker

    Mitzi not there

    Same here. :(