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  1. Doots

    [Coded] Demon dream

    I don't do things for someone else's sake you just bought up a good point i consider it and came to the conclusion that i changed it
  2. Doots

    [Coded] Demon dream

    as yes that definitely was the intention o_o but i changed it back since you decided to get philosophical on my ass
  3. Doots

    [Coded] Demon dream

    I might be high as fuck or the forum drowned on dicks but i got an email that someone responded to this thread commentin that maybe this should be restricted to females since there is no variants for those who don't have a pussy to start with and i decided to do that since it makes my life...
  4. Doots

    [Coded] Demon dream

    A dream about being a sex toy for a demon for those players who are seras sub. thanks to RanmaChan for editing the doc UPDATE: [1.5.2017] word came from overlord fen and apparently needs more editing