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  1. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    ...I honestly didn't think it was the treatment, because the effects were instantaneous, while normally it takes hours for any effects to show up. I just thought it was something to make her breasts grow and lactate and that she was just a Ditz in general. Yeah, not surprised that's getting...
  2. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    That's true, but I'm fairly certain there will be a follow up on that that will allow those who wish to pursue that path to make that choice. It'll likely take some cajoling on the PC's part to get her to agree, but it's something I can easily see happening. And thanks guys, for telling me...
  3. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    That's true, but again, the forums are still a minority. There are lots of people who've never even visited the forums. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be kept in mind when doing content like this and not giving players prior warning. I'm curious, what was the Steph Irson situation?
  4. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Nah, I totally agree with you. What two consenting adults do in their bed is none of my business. Just because I'm personally not into real life incest, doesn't mean I'm going to shame a loving couple. This topic is strictly about people unknowingly coming across unwanted content until it's too...
  5. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    That's true, now that you mention it, but not everyone posts on the forums. I've been around for years, far before T.I.T.S was a thing. Yet I only recently made an account. The forums aren't a huge majority of overall people, and although they aren't vocal, they should be taken into...
  6. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    LOL DAT PIC! But.. really? I didn't know incest had much of a fanbase here. I guess this thread is for those that it isn't huge with.
  7. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    I guess... It still has the potential to piss people off, which is my problem with it (I personally don't care, as I've said before). While it has the potential for a great story arc, I still believe players should be given fair warning... somehow. Because character building or not, incest is...
  8. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    You may be lacking in reading comprehension (No offense), but not once did I say the incest bother me. The problem is that it has the potential to blow up into some huge thing because, again, you don't figure out she's your sister until after the fact. After I found out, my initial reaction was...
  9. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    I dunno how big incest is around here, but then again we do have our Cousin, who I'd imagine will be sexable sometime in the far future. Technically they are now, but it's a bad end and you pretty much rape them into submission so... yeah. Then again, the alternatives are being killed or...
  10. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Well Doc Badger's scene was beneficial for establishing the PC can't fight their way out of every situation, but people didn't like that too much. I don't think unintentional incest is required for character development.
  11. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Well... no. All you have to say is you aren't a hero. As in: Not play her little game. She makes it painfully obvious it's a game of her's and even asks "are you sure you want to get hit with the bimbo laser?' The incest being there isn't the problem, it's the fact that one can be completely...
  12. VantagePoint

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

     So after a bit of digging, I found out that Shade is most likely one of Victor's many bastard children. Which makes her the PC's half sister and her daughter Astra, the PC's Niece. Problem with this is that the huge hint doesn't get dropped before you reach Shade's sex options, meaning unaware...
  13. VantagePoint

    Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)

    Yeah I took a look see. The Gym's pretty good! So the only stat that you really need to max from level ups is Willpower, because there is no trainer for that right now.
  14. VantagePoint

    Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)

    Is there a trainer for reflexes? And I've been toying with the idea of a Mercenary that uses the Trench Shotgun and Rapid Fire, because Power Strike is kind of crappy after you get to level 8 and start double attacking (And Power Striking doesn't trigger it for some reason). Because I'd...
  15. VantagePoint

    Spam emails

    Wouldn't really be Nice Time for Roo, Most sexable NPCs are pretty open about being in relationships/ having sex with other characters. Which is fair considering you're almost certainly doing the whole "open-relationship" thing.  But I don't imagine being Eskimo brothers/siblings is something that would...
  16. VantagePoint

    Spam emails

    The Cousin's mail was pretty hilarious, even with no text. He/She is so proud they got a few level 1 Beegirls with them. it's insanely cute :D Speaking of the Cousin, besides inevitably being able to screw them, is there going to be more of a personality to them? Because as they are right now...
  17. VantagePoint

    Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)

    Made this account just to contribute to this post, just in case people want to be rich tycoons early. Anyways, as far as I can tell, Tech Specialist is unable to defeat Lash right now, due to a lack of an evasion skill like the Smuggler or the Mercenary has, which is crucial in surviving long...