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  1. Nonesuch

    Embry, Space Princess (X-Pac Discussion)

    I imagine you've already done this, but I did save Jim's Embry doc since he did say he was shortly going to delete it. You or anybody else is welcome to do whatever with it.
  2. Nonesuch

    JimThermic's Project List

    It was Nonesuch making light of the situation, because Nonesuch is sad.
  3. Nonesuch

    Steph Irson on Phaedra II

    Big tits.
  4. Nonesuch

    JimThermic's Project List

    I mean, on the plus side I can start writing the "Murderfuck Embry" and "Napalm the Vanae" xpacs now.
  5. Nonesuch

    JimThermic's Project List

    He clearly wants to make a clean break. It's better to be curt and final in this sort of situation than to hold out some false hope of a return. Even when he's crystal clear you've got someone on here going "B-but what about the 100 page expansion pack for muh waifu...?" Anyone who knows...
  6. Nonesuch

    Treatement options

    I think FA's right about the inaccuray of your generalisation. I think most people at least know Holmes was an opium addict, and a quintessential tortured genius. Modern audiences love that type of shit much more than flawless gentlemen. That's an Anglocentric view, though. I wouldn't pretend...
  7. Nonesuch

    Treatement options

    ...Or watched the recent popular BBC series starring Benedict Stoatface, which portrays him in exactly that light.
  8. Nonesuch

    Manly content thread

    It's wonderful that that Incase mindflayer pic is the least outre on display here. Well, I'm not turned on by all-male hairless latex gremlins with womb-shooting scorpion tails and weird holes in their shoulders. However I accept that *someone* out there gets a kick out of that concept, and...
  9. Nonesuch

    Sera Domination?

    No sorry, I expressed that poorly. I mean written from the PC's perspective, but at a point where Sera has more or less accepted the PC's domination of her.
  10. Nonesuch

    Sera Domination?

    You're welcome to have a go, but please bear in mind: a) The scene would have to be written from the perspective of Sera in her unruly sub state, i.e. once the "training" is done and she has fully accepted her position. What is there now is just getting her into that state. b) It will be...
  11. Nonesuch

    Who do you prefer, Kara or Shade?

    If your contention is that incest is awful because of the familial connection you have with the other party, surely it follows that there's nothing wrong doing it with a half-sibling you've never met before, like Shade?
  12. Nonesuch

    What date is it?

    They at the very least encountered the ausar and the anatae before PRs were a thing. They were invented as a counter-measure to what happened with the thraggen.
  13. Nonesuch

    What date is it?

    Right, this is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Thanks. Better off avoiding confusion.
  14. Nonesuch

    What date is it?

    In TiTS, obviously. This came up on one of my docs and honestly, I have absolutely no clue - it does not seem to be mentioned anywhere, only what number Planetary Rush we're on. Either an official line on this, or one of our resident nerds crunching the numbers based on the available data and...
  15. Nonesuch

    Do the Lucifer Candy Apples change your nipple/junk color too?

    It is an oversight, and I don't intend to do a damn thing about it!!!1
  16. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Lashcharge. Dude. The plantation is mostly written, and it was commissioned entirely with the FoM thing in mind. I'm not going to move it now, no matter how grandly you detail plans to the contrary. I already HAVE written a bunch of provisional stuff that details most of the existing cast of...
  17. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Already have. I picked Mhen'ga because a) it's innately valuable and untouched in a way no other planet is or is likely to be, and b) exactly because it is the basic starter planet. Every player is likely to feel an affection towards it because it's (likely) where they had their formative...
  18. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Thare's well enough under way and has its comissioner's approval for the public to have a look at it. It will add a plantation location within the Mhen'gan jungle which will act as a staging post where can rest/fuck a subby zil boy whenever you like, if that's your thing. It has a lot of...
  19. Nonesuch

    How to rigger new Sera Content?
  20. Nonesuch

    Wsan writing

    Sorry, Wsan. This sometimes happens.