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  1. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    @noobsaleh @argenten I'm going on holiday in a week's time, and my current project is large. So do bear in mind that it will be a while before I can accept a new commission. There'll be one, but I don't think it will be sexy. If you really fuck things up in the zil village, I think I'll just...
  2. Nonesuch

    Digitigrade, Plantigrade, or Unguligrade?

    We had this exact same wearying discussion about whether raskvel were digitigrade or plantigrade back when I wrote their TF, thanks to that picture. Basically - Renezuo got the wrong end of the stick, they are plantigrades.
  3. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    I may bug me a bit at the time, but I'm glad someone astute reads through most of my docs and makes suggestions. And yeah, I should better appreciate the fact you do that means you liking my stuff is a given. Sorry if I come across as snippy sometimes. Going for brevity in the various...
  4. Nonesuch

    What Content Would You Like Added?
  5. Nonesuch

    Could someone explain to me the appeal of Male to Female TF for me?

    That's less an accusation of nymphomania and more that the person is homosexual. Unpackaged, it's an expression of a widely held belief that someone cannot be a separate gender from the sex they were born. Hence, transexuals are simply deluded homosexuals. Who, as is well known, are predatory...
  6. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Unqualified praise from Nik! A rare treat indeed.  :D Thank Klaptrap for the coiling scene; he specifically asked for it. She is the zil chieftain. The commissioner has asked for plenty of scenes, both topping and bottoming, for her. Who do you think she is? That's a really nice thing to...
  7. Nonesuch

    New Game+

    CoC early game is that. Late game it's Pokemon: Waifu and Sex Slave Version. No it fucking isn't. Some stuff has been completed for it, but that isn't the same as "it's mostly done".
  8. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Plantation Quest: A large project that adds a new dungeon to Mhen'ga, and will offer players a chance to play a significant part in deciding the future of the planet. The female zil chieftain will also tie into Syriquest, if that ever sees the light of day. Should be fun!
  9. Nonesuch

    Cloud Meadow (S-Purple's Breeding Season)

    Couldn't really give less of a shit about Breeding Season or Breeding Season II, but I'd just like to say I love the fact OP's only post was to start this thread. Just threw this dirty bomb in here and then ran like hell, didn't he.
  10. Nonesuch

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    Bald black leader guy HO!
  11. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    What I had vaguely planned was allow the PC to take Cerespirin to Dr. Lessau and have him split off specific TFs like the cock wings into separate splices, without the side effects. However it's cool that you noticed that and did it your own way off your own bat! I've put up "do a bunch of...
  12. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Ramis is done! At least in a preliminary state, where you can meet her at Anon's and get up to all manner of hijinks (male naga get a special scene!) The next step will be to make her properly recruitable, a project which is available as a discountable commission. I apologise to those of you...
  13. Nonesuch

    [WIP] Trap/Tomboy TF Items, Shop, and Sexable Trap Shopkeeper

    Make sure to add swastikas too!
  14. Nonesuch

    Could someone explain to me the appeal of Male to Female TF for me?

    Because turning a boy into a girl and then schtupping them so good they embrace it is the hottest thing in the world.
  15. Nonesuch

    Pregnancy Content?

    Imagine needing to poop some kids out in order to not feel lonely.
  16. Nonesuch

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    @Shouyousei Thanks for soliciting suggestions off me when doing this. I think it came out really well. The dangers of not writing identikit titty monsters I guess. Even so, having googled your comparison, I have to say that's ridiculously harsh.
  17. Nonesuch

    [WIP] Trap/Tomboy TF Items, Shop, and Sexable Trap Shopkeeper

    I'd suggest limiting it to wiry tomboy effects and it having no effect on h/n, purely for simplicity's sake. I'm cautious about suggesting tomboy effects for female users in the first place for this reason, I don't want to burn anyone out on something which isn't to their tastes. Which is not to...
  18. Nonesuch

    [WIP] Trap/Tomboy TF Items, Shop, and Sexable Trap Shopkeeper

    You could design it so it simply has different effects on you depending on your sex, similar to the Treatment or Cerespirin. If dick = trap effects, if vagina = tomboy effects, if both/neither no effect. As for what a tomboy TF would do, mostly the opposite of what you've got lined up for the...
  19. Nonesuch

    [WIP] Trap/Tomboy TF Items, Shop, and Sexable Trap Shopkeeper

    One thing that really could set your product apart from Estrobloom is if it had the opposite effect on female PCs, i.e. it transformed them into tomboys/amazons. I appreciate that is beyond your remit and probably not part of your tastes, but it's what trap oil did back in CoC, and what I...