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  1. The Observer

    Observation post of the Observer.

    With the end of October in sight, I guess it's time to do the monthly wrap-up post. This month has been fairly productive, if somewhat unfocused. I've been working with William to round out a pack of scenes for Evergreen in order to pad out her content. While her mechanical function and...
  2. The Observer

    Question about Future Cait TFs

    Not for more than a year.
  3. The Observer

    Save slot is now empty.

    Did you clear your cache?
  4. The Observer

    Observation post of the Observer.

    Seppuku would be more merciful and humane. Moral of the story: don't let your liege die on your watch, especially if she's supposedly directly descended from divinity. Her ancestor might take umbrage, especially if he's known for doling out cruel and unusual punishments to the deserving. It...
  5. The Observer

    Observation post of the Observer.

    As years stretch into decades and decades into centuries with no end in sight, a mind that is equipped to only bear a century and a half at most starts to be placed under considerable strain. 今日も一日 and しょうがない are phrases that are constantly with her in spirit, if not on her lips. The family...
  6. The Observer

    Observation post of the Observer.

    Everything relevant is already on the wiki. She will not be recruitable, and will not be in the PC's party at any time (except for maybe one event). The childhood events are a test run for what will eventually be a full set of vignettes in which the player character takes no part in. We're...
  7. The Observer

    Observation post of the Observer.

    Adult Kinu will not just have her own interactions, but a unique UrtaQuest-esque storyline where you play as her and ties back into the Taoth narrative. This will be where choices made in raising her come into play; you didn't think the recharge power differences were there for show, eh? And...
  8. The Observer

    Which Kinu Are You Going For/Are Locked To?

    An incredible amount. Instead of the patronage and industry of Belhar, they have organic technology that's inspired by some of their real-world practices. A Very Stable Genius may or may not have hacked off his own arm at the limb, after all. There's probably a reason why he's out in the...
  9. The Observer

    Which Kinu Are You Going For/Are Locked To?

    Hitoshi is a homage to a character from Princess Maker 5 of the same name, and of the same character archetype as Takeo is, yes.
  10. The Observer

    Which Kinu Are You Going For/Are Locked To?

    The central crux of the conflict between Kiyoko and Young Inari Kinu is that the former knows that the latter is wasting her potential and talents by doing what she does. "I didn't school you in trigonometry and calculus so that you could go and plough fields. You can call it agricultural...
  11. The Observer

    What content would you like added?

    Threat, how does it work? Read your codex. Change up your equipment?
  12. The Observer

    What content would you like added?

    We're going to be doing a rebalance pretty soon in preparation for level 5, a bunch of items and powers will be retuned. However, very recent enemies as well as items such as Ragnild's are already part of this newer balancing point. There may be some discrepancies. Also, you're out of the...
  13. The Observer

    level cap increase?

    When either the Winter City or the Kitsune Den come out, along with a rebalance. So, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  14. The Observer

    Is there any more content planned for Rags?

    She'll have repeatable sex someday, when I return to her. Her code already has a bunch of content hooks for later expansion, I just need to write it. Right now my attention is focused on several obligations and finally getting my flagship content in the game.
  15. The Observer

    What can you learn with Mirror Magic?

    Sense exists for a reason.
  16. The Observer

    Observation post of the Observer.

    A Very Stable Genius. Barring one more from DCL and the final piece from an externally contracted artist, that's all the art I need for my pet project for the next... probably at least half-year. Also, have some orc, who should be shipping with the next update.
  17. The Observer

    Which Kinu Are You Going For/Are Locked To?

    As an aside, also remember that she's supposed to be a child prodigy. I'm hesitant to give exact numbers, but she's probably in the +3-4 SD range when it comes to her intelligence, thanks to the champion. People in that range are often very lonely because they're simply unable to communicate...
  18. The Observer

    In your opinion what is the best outcome for kinu/best version of herself?

    It won't work that way because it would simply introduce too many game states for far too many NPCs and more than double my workload. I very clearly wrote on the wiki that for you to get her mother out, Kinu must exist.