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  1. Malpha

    So, the Appearance System right now...

    Honestly, I think that's mainly because the lupine racial score is really strict, while the catfolk score is rather broad. Like, anything less than Berwyn's level of lupine immediately puts you out of Lupine's racial score, while it doesn't take much to be considered catfolk. Honestly, while I...
  2. Malpha

    So, the Appearance System right now...

    Are not a race you can be. And are also not fox like. So the comparison is irrelevant.
  3. Malpha

    So, the Appearance System right now...

    This has been explained before. You are an animal earred, mostly human individual with a tail. You are closest to a catfolk in nature, because you lack enough of anything that would classify you as lupine, and you obviously cannot be a kitsune because they're different on a spiritual level as...
  4. Malpha

    So, the Appearance System right now...

    It's a point system, I'm not sure why people are that confused or surprised by it.
  5. Malpha

    So, Scale Colours...

    The only exception is if you have something that sets scale colors before getting the half scaled body TF, like Manticore wings. It'll assume the color that the scales on your wings are, and it'd take another dose of cinder/frostleaf to change the color to Salamander colors. This is how I give...
  6. Malpha

    Wsan CoC2 content

    She's popular and he felt like it maybe? Because it might be part of the upcoming Wayfort content? It doesn't have to be even a minor deal.
  7. Malpha

    The Seven: Just Wondered

    Are you sure? I heard that Seven ate nine. I'm willing to hedge my bets on Seven.
  8. Malpha

    The Seven: Just Wondered

    Seven is just a good number.
  9. Malpha

    Balancing issues with COC2

    Thief relies on debuffs, not luck. Crits are nice but they can be completely negated by the enemy simply having a shield equipped. The 50% damage increase on an enemy that's debuffed is the most important. Also this needs aoe is nonsense, there's no limits on what abilities you can learn. Just...
  10. Malpha

    Am I done with the game?

    I mean there's only so much you can expect in a half finished game. You will run out of things to do, and numbers to watch go up. You either just play around with builds and min/maxing like some do, or start another character and explore things in the story you probably didn't do. It's all on...
  11. Malpha

    Wayfort Discussion

    That tree also took centuries to grow.
  12. Malpha

    Soul-Selling and Character Personality

    Do the other task from Nakano if he still isn't there. There was an issue where the relic quest didn't make him give you the offer and I don't know if that was ever fixed or not.
  13. Malpha

    What content would you like added?

    Teaming up with Cait to look for some prime grade A beef.
  14. Malpha

    What content would you like added?

    Magicock was decided early and future proofed for so it could be supported with minimal effort. Also cum shots/loads are written into the scenes with variations for amounts, but there's always some. Accommodating your request would mean rewriting scenes instead of just having a parser check and...
  15. Malpha

    Cock sizes

    Yeah, pretty sure 3 is the hard limit before any shrinking TF makes it disappear if you've got a vag or gives you one, or just stops working if you don't, since you cannot be neuter.
  16. Malpha

    What content would you like added?

    The magi-cock is a clit ring, so yeah it's basically an on/off thing. Seems infinitely more practical than carrying around a strap on or making yourself grow a penis just so you don't lose access to content. I mean, it's the only reason I give my char's a dick in the first place, otherwise...
  17. Malpha

    Less girth

    Girth is tied to length.
  18. Malpha

    Your joys with CoC II

    Full mousey female.
  19. Malpha

    Your joys with CoC II

    I mean we have an entire city full of beef coming up after all. Everyone loves minotaurs.
  20. Malpha

    0.3.39 Game crashed after changing Cait Set then changing tabs

    I know at one point there was a bug with the appearance screen, but they released a hotfix for that already, so maybe you can try redownloading to make sure you have the newest version?