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  1. Libelous

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    In my honest opinion, a project of this scale can really burn you out (especially with the recent amount of updates). I think you should hold off on the Taur content for later on since its complicated territory for you and that Paige is nearly complete. I really do loved what you've created...
  2. Libelous

    I've been upgraded to a member, yay

    I've been upgraded to a member, yay
  3. Libelous

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    There are no words for how much happiness I feel, Thank you so much B. Also I really like the multiple-pathing system, its really enjoyable and well defined
  4. Libelous

    [WIP]The Huline: Totally Not Space Kitsune(Race + NPC ideas) /Hichiko's Back For Real Now Edition

    Woooooo one step closer to becoming complete!! Hichiko and Paige are the two entries i desperately want to be implemented. Glad to see this is getting closer :toot:
  5. Libelous

    Queen of Deep question.

    From what I remember, if you do take the bow she will disappear. She will also disappear if you do have sex with her and vice-versa. I don't think you can meet her again or at least in the current version/build.
  6. Libelous

    [Implemented] Erra the Puppy + [Implemented] Expansion

    Loving the writing so far! Can't wait to see the rest
  7. Libelous

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    I think there are more that follow and keep an eye on this thread that don't post on the forums. Including me :D I'm excited for the progress