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  1. P

    Triple Kaithrit Ship Scene Bug

    Now I'm not sure if this bug is specific to this scene, just that when I had gotten out of it whatever money I had before, was now negative (E.G. 150k creds > -150k creds). I also found that while my money was in the negatives I couldn't sell items to regain some of that lost cash. The add...
  2. P

    Zheng Shi Spacewalk bugged

    For some reason the game just doesn't register the 'Pirate Spacesuit' in my inventory when I go to spacewalk to unlock the elevator, nor does it if you wear the suit. I tried tp-ing with cheats out onto the spacewalk tile where you fight the bot that's messing with the elevator, but as far as I...
  3. P

    Pippa vag sex bug

    New discovery, I cannot remove the Omnisuit, doing so causes a crash. It's got me softlocked at Dhaal cause I can't progress in MSQ...
  4. P

    Pippa vag sex bug

    Here, sorry for the late response.
  5. P

    Pippa vag sex bug

    No clue what caused this, This scene was working fine when I visited her initially on this save. Only differences I can think of that might be relevant is: DIfferent Patch Increased Cock Length Increased Cock number
  6. P

    Crashing in Zheng Shi

    Whenever I lose to the 'Bored Jumper' enemy and go through their loss scene (Docking), afterwards it seems that the game cannot handle or read the fact that my balls are now over capacity and crashed whenever I next ejaculate in game. Dunno if this is due to being above a certain size or what...