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  1. Adda

    Bimbo Azzy

    Thanks for the info...I was leaning towards doing so as I never had before but suspected it was, as you said, a dead end. Thanks
  2. Adda

    Bimbo Azzy

    Do I lose access to Azzy if I kick her into the honey pool? Do I lose anything else from the hive if I don't purify it?
  3. Adda


    I think there's a chance I can engage in exhibition displays when my exhibitionism level and my libido is too low. Exhibitionism is at 47/100. Libido is 26.
  4. Adda

    What influences earnings at Beth's Busty Broads?

    What influences earnings at Beth's Busty Broads? I've had PC's that can make 1500 creds a trick and others that can make no more than 700 creds on a good tumble. Many of those PC's have had similar builds, similar clothes, equal sexiness. My two highest-earning whores have had elf ears and...
  5. Adda

    Multiple Pregnancies

    Thank you for your time. Oh and thank you for the game. It's very enjoyable.
  6. Adda

    So, I'm at an impass here.

    There's another way to get sexy I've had it but never done the Treatment. I think you can randomly get it from bothrioc pregnancy. If I remember correctly I was wandering around trying to complete the bothrioc quest but already had a 50+ addiction from previous encounters. I had...
  7. Adda

    Multiple Pregnancies

    Here is the file. PC is roughly 2 hrs 30 min from delivering bimbo dom eggs from her three wombs and 3 hrs 15 min from delivering from her ass. She's onboard her ship ready to fly from Travos to anywhere. Gametime is Day 276 18:36. Fly to Uveto and gametime changes to Day 277 1:17. After all...
  8. Adda

    Minor bug with easy workaround

    The last several times I've used Laquine Ears and wanted to remove them before the bunny ears take effect (affect?) I get locked onto the Codex Appearance screen menu after I've removed them. Hitting back puts me in an endless cycle of back buttons that takes me to the Codex Appearance screen...
  9. Adda

    Does anyone know what this is or what happens later?

    Huh. Not infertile but the PC still is a virgin. Thanks!
  10. Adda

    Does anyone know what this is or what happens later?

    I've gotten this log message twice with the current set of Laquine Ears but not figured out what or if it does anything. I can't recall ever getting this before. Clues?
  11. Adda

    Syndian Female Defeated Call to Sex Bug?

    A fully female PC received this text after having defeated a female syndian and "called others" to play. The PC does not have "terran cock nipples," a tail prick nor a prick of any kind. ... “Hello,” you leer, watching the alien’s liberated breasts rise and fall. “Look what you’ve been hiding.”...
  12. Adda

    Can Gel Zon impregnate a female PC?

    Can Gel Zon impregnate a female PC? He talks like he can but I see nothing in the wiki and haven't been able to get him to do it in the game.
  13. Adda

    are you supposed to be able to meet the big bad black bunny everywhere?

    Are you supposed to be able to meet the big bad black bunny everywhere? I've met her three times--Mehn'ga, Travos and Zeng Shi. The encounter reads like I'm on a space station (which didn't fit for Mehn'ga) every time. I also get her down to about 30 hp every time before she defeats me with...
  14. Adda

    was the signet of bravery supposed to be able to allow me to work out my strength and aim beyond 50?

    Was the signet of bravery supposed to be able to allow me to work out my strength and aim beyond 50? It seems a little vague as my HP go up or down by 25 by taking it on or off (and resting) but not my stats...but,with it on I can work out my stats in excess of 50. The stat is then not effected...
  15. Adda

    Ramis workout bug?

    Working out Stamina with Ramis does not take any energy unless the Carry On option is selected. I've--er--exploited this fact to get exceptionally high stats on this PC build.
  16. Adda

    A Hard Mode

    A hard mode where levels take substantially more experience to achieve or encounters give substantially less experience OR even where encounters below your level don't give you any experience. It is far too easy to spend a little time looking for a drop to gain a level that makes the next planet...