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  1. Evil

    Where to get Baldur's Gate?

    Which is why I said its a completely different beast to BG3. Which is based on 5th edition D&D.
  2. Evil


    You go to sleep after fucking a statue twice, then you have a dream
  3. Evil

    Where to get Baldur's Gate?

    Yeah, bear in mind that the original Baldur's Gate was created by Bioware back in 98 and is a completely different beast. Its got a completely different story to what will appear in BG3. Not to mention that its easier to run the enhanced edition on modern machines than the original game. Like...
  4. Evil

    Where is Tavros Station located?

    If you're travelling at/or close to light speed, Mhen'ga only 8 hours away. By comparison, the distance between the Earth and the Sun is 8 light minutes, or 8.994×107 miles. In terms of galactic and universal scale, an 8 hour trip to a planet is nothing. Tavros was designed to be a hub...
  5. Evil

    Where is Tavros Station located?

    So it looks like Tavros station doesn't orbit a planet. Which makes sense as what we're told about Tavros is that its a hub station, meant to serve as a stepping stone for the Planet Rush. So it probably sits near enough a Warp Gate that people can use it, but also far enough away from any UGC...
  6. Evil

    Mod to change/add sex scenes?

    Only if you write the scene yourself.
  7. Evil

    About the Yearly Event

    Okay, changing the clock is from a few years ago, before the likes of Chrome and Firefox made it that every time you changed your time and date settings and then connected to the internet, the respective program would automatically update. If you want to see the special events, you have to be...
  8. Evil

    Who is your favourite character, and why?

    Have to say, with every new update, Brienne is firmly becoming my favourite. Too many reasons to actually list, but she's definitely top of the list.
  9. Evil

    Futa Into Men

    This isn't the place to pitch ideas, there's a thread for that, "Content you'd like to see". This is the place where someone talks about the idea they are going to write.
  10. Evil

    how to use image pack?

    Honestly, it should say "Image pack" within an update on the blog page.
  11. Evil

    Byvernia the hellish bunny

    Or just smack her upside the head with a large sword like I do.
  12. Evil

    Corruption Kiyoko?

    Eh, they're not so bad after a while.
  13. Evil

    Did anyone else...

    I think it bothers me more that Victor is still getting the win after he went to that Big Board Meeting in the sky. Victor Steele, so smooth, he's still getting laid despite being dead.
  14. Evil

    Did anyone else...

    To be fair, Steele was also banging Erra, so would you really count that?
  15. Evil

    Did anyone else...

    Why does it bother you so much? I mean, you know pretty much from meeting her that Anno is poly. She used to have plenty of partners when in college, she's still in a relationship when you meet on Tarkus. Its not like you go into this blind, she loves sex and she'll look for some tail if she's...
  16. Evil

    Really dumb question about busts

    You click on the image. But be warned that while some characters like Azyrran have full body images, others like Liaden have 3/4 or just an actual bust image.
  17. Evil

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I dunno, group rate deal, certainly wouldn't be impossible. I'd imagine Gastigoth have heard worse requests. At a pinch, the three pirates could be shackled together with little slack, leaving Steele entirely in control. For example, Khorgan and Tam-Tam could be shackled to give Steele double...
  18. Evil

    What content would you like added?

    "Local Champion buried alive under mountain of soul-vampire babies! Authorities struggle to understand what made the Champion think they could give belly blows to 634 children! Family asks for donations to Keros in lieu of flowers." There were times when Garth regretted letting his son act as...
  19. Evil

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Hey! I was never anal! I just like to probe those butts.
  20. Evil

    Can you de-dick Jael'yn?

    I don't think you're making a mountain out of a molehill (other people are doing that). But I see where you're coming from, Raindrops. A lot of the characters in these games are fantastic and enjoyable, after all they'd have to be in order remain as popular for as long as they have. But, at the...