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  1. Etis

    Treatement options

    Yes, without debimbo option it is off limits for me too. Not a big loss, though - inhuman desire is only thing I would like to pick from it. But it is only available through bimbofication... Hm... Dr. Khan have it though (and quite powerful version), and he is not bimbo/bro.
  2. Etis

    Treatement options

    Well, these schemes are fun to make. As long as they are schemes, not just "let gulp it and to hell consequences". Building planned chain of transformations to get some profit from each and finishing with your preferred form with as much perks and abilities as possible.
  3. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Working on magic now. Charge weapon: adds some electrical damage to your weapons. Blind: flavored flash grenade with intelligence-based chance insted of aim-based. Whitefire: flavored and a bit weaker single target thermal disruptor. Arouse: old good lust damage. Highly dependant on...
  4. Etis

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Flee from combat is much easier with wings, especially with sand trap. You can flee from corrupt Marae only with wings as well. Some scenes have minor differences with wings, like with MInerva.
  5. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Yes, declared version of vanilla should match or be newer to migrate back. Not really sure what is declared version of last release. Yes, exactly. Though, since sources are in public access, you still can build it yourself :)
  6. Etis

    Treated Cow-Taur help?

    I am technically right. Most effects are rolled in very moment they are displayed, except gender route and some secondary gender effects (breast and lips size for female, cock size for male, horn size for all).
  7. Etis

    Treated Cow-Taur help?

    Well, yes... Never actually used it.
  8. Etis

    Treated Cow-Taur help?

    Actually, very first message reveals it's direction.
  9. Etis

    What kinds of armors/clothing would you like to start seeing in TiTS?

    Nope, fake. Though I'll likely include it into Lucid Dreams.
  10. Etis

    Varmint taming

    Hmmm... Varmints are level 6 foes. Tam is level 4 foe. Khorgan is level 5 foe. Early?
  11. Etis

    Anusol+ and You

    Lizans have "Powerbottom" scene. But yes, generally there are same "no vagina - no victory ride" rule CoC/TiTS have. Catboy have no scene for male too (non-humiliation scenes for femboys and shemales would be nice to have).
  12. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Ah, yes... This scene was done before decision to drop default characters storage use. Can happen with few other scenes too. Will fix in next release. Specials (both spells and other abilities) are not implemented for now. Not sure how to make them work well with new combat. Would make some...
  13. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Body parts extended support is a major problem, since they are mostly hardwritten into scenes. If you are about transformations, though... I have plans to revise them over time to work closer to TiTS concept. Please provide more info about Akbal so I can fix it. Yeh, it is backside of...
  14. Etis

    Weapon proficiency is non-standard?

    In CoC lust was sort of percent rather than absolute. Higher level characters as well as foes had flat resistance.
  15. Etis

    What kinds of armors/clothing would you like to start seeing in TiTS?

    It's sort of point - it only allows you to replace clothes with natural cover, not just go around naked. Though, version with holographic pseudo-clothing is also possible.
  16. Etis

    Anusol+ and You

    Sounds interesting.
  17. Etis

    Question about modding

    I'm using FlashDevelop personally. But you are likely doing it wrong, since it won't work from the box.
  18. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Intro is sort of placeholder. And there are lot of unchecked places. ActionScript syntax is loose like leithan hooker... Would release future builds with debug enabled to get traces. Yeh, should implement it. But I've already merged current backers build into source, and not sure if it would...
  19. Etis

    Activating Trap Card

    Well.. Being all cute and pretty isn't a reason? :) Though lack of specific content is reason why I'm playing herm.
  20. Etis

    Before Uveto...

    "Wank Him" scene is only possible if your submission status is high enough.