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  1. Etis

    ideas for the sexy android

    Don't worry, sanity is overestimated.
  2. Etis


    There are no central goverment in a universe. There are lots of worlds where presence of a UGC is small. Like, for instance, Myrellion - they would happily sell some nukes for some high tech things, and it's not like there are actual customs there.
  3. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Visit kitsune shrine as nine-tails or at least animalisctic morph. Not that sort of op, but I personally like it.
  4. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Well, there technically are one fun "armor" piece (Illusory Attire), but it would only really work on nine-tails or psionic, and is sort of specific by it's nature. As for the weapon... Unless you want to assault Lethice's citadel, you can beat any opponent with little effort even now.
  5. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Me too. But I'm also greedy dragonkin, so I'll keep all good things to myself! :colbert:
  6. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Proprietary device users must suffer, I am apostle of the true PC god! But, seriously, those things are not even actually real items ingame. All smoke and mirrors there...
  7. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Nope, that's super easy to save edit.
  8. Etis


    No, it's Matrix thing. Hm... Would it be indecent to promote my mod here?
  9. Etis


    Well, you can always edit that function, you know :allears:
  10. Etis


    I've understood that he wants to be detected as kaithrit  while being cat-morph. It's not actually possible to save edit, since race is detected by function rather than stored. You can only edit your original race.
  11. Etis


    Yes, you can save edit to fully furry cat-morph. And it's not really considered as something bad here. But using ingame methods usually feels much better, for me at least :)
  12. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    You only can't bring mod-added items. There are no problems with vanilla ones.
  13. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Why not? Main world is barely affected, so you are not losing anything.
  14. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    I'm not updating it to backer-only releases. For public releases - at the same day, usually.
  15. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    Well, that one of the reasons why I'm into modding - gives another point of view. Daynar's is basically one of the reptile's variations, without bumps. Raskvel looks similiar, no?
  16. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    Actually, there also are another problem with this list. It doesn't account how often you'll meet them. Character on the crossroads would be much more notable than someone gated behind something not anyone would go for.
  17. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    Too late to try to knock me off the trail. I'll go to Colenso and dive into conspirology. There are definitely some hidden secret here.
  18. Etis

    Modding CoC

    He want to get BroBrew without mental-related effects.
  19. Etis


    It's not about getting hands dirty. You already can blow up two whole worlds on your way. Though, you can kill Tavira.
  20. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    And, knowing she is around 14 years old, this is implies some weird and confusing questions.