Search results

  1. I

    Esoteric ♥ Erotica - release 10.0

    Although I love detail-oriented character creators (this one is definetly a step above the average) I found that picking 3 adjectives for each body part admist a sea of choices was a tad too much/tediuous, specially when one doesn't even know what half of them mean or are, as we have no...
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    Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)

    I may have pulled the string but you're the one who brought the yarn. The rest of your argument only makes sense if we're talking about a single individual posting opposite arguments on different places, and you're aware of it. In my experience though, its not hard to find those whose opinion...
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    Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)

    That's because our society fosters too much intolerance towards anything that ins't agreeable to us. Rather than teaching the newer generations how to deal with adversity and opposition, we coddle them too much to the point they would rather live in their bubbles than facing and accepting people...
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    Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)

    I don't know if this is intended or a bug but I find it extremely odd how often NPCs (mostly male) tend to suck their own fingers when dominated. I'm not talking about a short, one-time thing just to look sexy, I'm talking about them doing it ALL the time, in every turn, until I physically...
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    Pokemorph Island: Pokemon Anthro Text Game(HTML)

    A few pictures would be nice, people don't like downloading random content just like that.
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    Steele's available Hairstyles and Bess

    Yeah but that's the thing, even if people aren't as interested in the rest of the development as they are in the smut its still good to mention because it shows progress is being done in different areas and not just exclusively one. Its all about keeping people updated. I'm glad that this past...
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    Steele's available Hairstyles and Bess

    Because they have a task list the size of toilet roll yet all they want to do is write / implement smut and / or waifu material, meanwhile the rest of the game gets jack shit... or maybe they work on it for a day and then proceed to ignore it for months on a row - the latter they admit it...
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    [Cancelled][Ren'py] Leaf on Fire

    This is your game so you're free to do as you wish but in my opinion you're using the wrong engine for this sort of game. You could try it of course but I think its going to be an uphill battle when there's other options out there more suited for this sort of thing, which could save you both...
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    [Cancelled][Ren'py] Leaf on Fire

    I can already imagine all the people fapping at the sight of Gardevoir Jinx. *Trololol*
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    Why don't more game makers create torrents for distribution?

    Torrents are better suited for large files that tend to go over the bandwidth limit imposed by certain hosting companies, MEGA Free only gives you 5GB, after that you have to wait either 4 or 6 hours for it to reset. Torrents can be fast but only if there's enough people sharing (seeders) in...
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    Naohr ~ Kinky Fantasy Life Simulation

    Will a regular bed do? Because I can't find one specifically named "love bed", just regular and comfortable.
  12. I

    Naohr ~ Kinky Fantasy Life Simulation

    My character chose to receive clients in her home and after furbishing one of the empty rooms as a "love room", when I receive someone, it says I can't do anything because I don't have a bed tagged as "love bed". Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
  13. I

    Lust Doll (Completed Game!)

    Are you ok dude? You've already asked this question twice in this page. You got a positive answer as well as where to get it and even got all excited for it. Now, 2 days later, you asked about it again, to which Malbutorios replied for the second time... its starting to get a bit weird. :P
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    Looking for some games with non human cocks.

    If you find anything, would you be so kind as to post it here? The topic is one I'm partially interested myself.
  15. I

    Looking for some games with non human cocks.

    Usually when people don't reply to a particular question or the answers are limited my initial feeling is that the community either doesn't care or they simply don't know anything related to what is being asked. It seems you're out of luck either way and may want to extend your search to other...
  16. I

    Incest games... Help please.

    I'll be straight with you - a comic serving as a prologue is too much. 1) Its an indie porn game. People are not going to give two sh*ts about it unless it turns into a full-blown AAA erotic comic. 2) Your time, money and resources are limited, specially at the beginning, so stick to what...
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    Wands and Witches game announcement

    Because there's a few gay guys around that don't want anything to do with boobs or vaginas so if the game is going to force-feed them that sort of content then they're not going to play it. Also @buffmuffin calm your fucking horses down. Nobody here was forcing the author to accommodate their...
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    Transformation Arena

    Dude, personal information like your email should only be shared in private instances (like PMs) and only when you're sure the other person is trustworthy. Posting stuff like that in the open means anyone who saw it can now exploit it by sending you a bunch of spam, attempt to hack you or even...
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    High Tail Hall General Discussion

    I think they need to come up with a legislation that forces entities to implement an option for us to opt out of spam/ad emails whenever we make a new account on a new website. I don't mind registering to gain access to stuff I like but if I'm going to get bombarded with ad shit in the next...