Wands and Witches game announcement


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
We are pleased to announce that we are starting on a new game. It will be an erotic parody of a very famous franchise. Below is the general premise...

When you turned 18, you received a letter with an invitation to the Hogwarts University of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because magic is not for children.
The main features are:

- A campus life full of magic and events.

- You can choose the gender of your character. i.e. You can play as either a male or a female student.

- The player character will not be a canonical character from within the Harry Potter universe. However, the other characters will be, although they may be a bit "out of character".

- It will be a sandbox game. Therefore, you can interact with any NPC 's and do whatever you want, but the NPC's themselves will interact with each other, or even with you. For example, don't be surprised if Professor Snape begins an affair with one of his students. Also, don't be surprised if this student happens to be male (we'll make it an option you can disable).

- Your character will be able to improve his/her skills and spells to acquire new ways of interacting with others, and when I say "interact" I mean, basically, different lewd stuff. The main characters are not children, but students with their adult needs, especially if they happen to have magic at their disposal.

- The player character will act according to your desires. So, he/she can be perverted, romantic, or both. It's up to you.
- Hand drawn pictures made in the original style.

- You can enroll in any of the houses. This will affect the quests and attitude of the other characters toward you.

- We plan on adding at least two girls and two guys from each house to the game. Each of them will have personal events, quests, storylines, etc.

- We will try to make animations in the game. We hope that we will make something more than blinking eyes )).

- The game engine is RenPy. Nuff said.

We plan on releasing a demo of "Wands and Witches" in October, after we release our current game's final version. Yes, we not only start making our games, but we also finish them. )))

Our Patreon page is:
There you can follow the news, or subscribe to be able to see the game progress and can influence at it development.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
You mentioned that you can disable gay content, but can you also disable str8 content?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
what fetishes specifically will you put in this game?
Well, if you need a list:
body transformation
mind control
sex change
magic will give us many possibilities )))

You mentioned that you can disable gay content, but can you also disable str8 content?
Technically I don't see any problems. Practically I don't see the point.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
You mentioned that you can disable gay content, but can you also disable str8 content?
If straight stuff isn't ones thing and they find it a huge turn off, but they still want to play your game.

If your goal is to have normal reproductive behavior labeled as offensive simply because you engage in abnormal behavior, i have some bad news for you.

You woke up in a world in which 98%+ of its denizens engage in male/female intercourse of some sort.

Best recommendation i can make, is to visit a site which focuses exclusively on gay content if you want exclusively gay or gay-focused games. This isn't one of those.

Rather than be happy that the creator chose to include content for your particular predilection; you choose to be offended, and demand that 98% of players be forced to accommodate your offended status in some way... *sigh*

  1. 1.
    conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
    "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
adjective: abnormal
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
    "the illness is recognizable from the patient's abnormal behavior"
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Technically I don't see any problems. Practically I don't see the point.
Because there's a few gay guys around that don't want anything to do with boobs or vaginas so if the game is going to force-feed them that sort of content then they're not going to play it.

Also @buffmuffin calm your fucking horses down. Nobody here was forcing the author to accommodate their tastes or saying the game needs to be remodeled in favor of the few. The game allows you to disable content you don't want to see, of which M/M is included, so Karu asked if the opposite was possible. The gay content is already there, he just doesn't want to chug through the hetero stuff to get to the bits he likes. That's it. For crying out loud its 2017 and we're posting on a forum whose main game tries to cater to everyone's tastes, if anything needs to go is that backwater homophobic attitude.

Niche communities should be allowed to chime in because it shows there's some interest in something other than content almost exclusively geared towards straight guys with an obsession for huge breasts, which if I recall correctly, you're not a fan of... so you too are abnormal compared to the preferential stereotypes. Those in the minorities should sympathize with one another and band together, not kick each other down.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Well, if you need a list:
body transformation
mind control
sex change
magic will give us many possibilities )))

Technically I don't see any problems. Practically I don't see the point.

Comes from a straight point of view, isn't it?

If your goal is to have normal reproductive behavior labeled as offensive simply because you engage in abnormal behavior, i have some bad news for you.

You woke up in a world in which 98%+ of its denizens engage in male/female intercourse of some sort.

Best recommendation i can make, is to visit a site which focuses exclusively on gay content if you want exclusively gay or gay-focused games. This isn't one of those.

Rather than be happy that the creator chose to include content for your particular predilection; you choose to be offended, and demand that 98% of players be forced to accommodate your offended status in some way... *sigh*

  1. 1.
    conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
    "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
adjective: abnormal
  1. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
    "the illness is recognizable from the patient's abnormal behavior"

Please, I would apreciate if we don't enter into that kind of conversation here...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
I did not expect such a stormy reaction here)
In fact, the game is focused on the already established fandom, and slash relations are an important part of this fandom. We can't ignore such a fact in our game. Nevertheless, we are aware that someone might not like slash. Including femslash. So this will be an option. Moreover, f/f and m/m relationship will be switched off separately.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Niche communities should be allowed to chime in because it shows there's some interest in something other than content almost exclusively geared towards straight guys with an obsession for huge breasts, which if I recall correctly, you're not a fan of... so you too are abnormal compared to the preferential stereotypes. Those in the minorities should sympathize with one another and band together, not kick each other down.

I have no problem with gays or them chiming in, the poster in question asks for the addition of M/M content in practically every game thread, and i have no problem with it.

My only issue was in him asking to give an option to disable what is clearly the primary focus of the game, and when the creator replied that didn't see a point in doing so, another poster doubled down as if the author was too dense to discern the reason they wanted straight content disabled.

Ultimately it's the creators choice, and i have no problem with it either way. But if the creator says he doesn't see the point, i think it should end there. No need for the condescending explanation; piling on the request / demand, as though he were too ignorant to grasp the concept.

The simple math supports straight content, and if a creator doesn't want to take the time and energy to disable the straight content in his game, he shouldn't be badgered into doing so.

As for large breasts... 85%+ of the world are C cup or less, so the 'normal' numbers support me there as well :p


May 31, 2016
I have no problem with gays or them chiming in, the poster in question asks for the addition of M/M content in practically every game thread, and i have no problem with it.

My only issue was in him asking to give an option to disable what is clearly the primary focus of the game, and when the creator replied that didn't see a point in doing so, another poster doubled down as if the author was too dense to discern the reason they wanted straight content disabled

Where are you seeing "Straight content is the primary focus? The post states that there will be two Male NPCs and two Female. Which, depending on your perspective, makes gay content the most prominent. Asking for straight content to be disabled is exactly the same as asking for gay content to be disabled, which it already is.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Where are you seeing "Straight content is the primary focus?

When the author replied and said he could do it, but did not see the point in doing so.

Anyway, he's replied again and said he's going to do it now, so it's a moot point.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Where are you seeing "Straight content is the primary focus? The post states that there will be two Male NPCs and two Female. Which, depending on your perspective, makes gay content the most prominent. Asking for straight content to be disabled is exactly the same as asking for gay content to be disabled, which it already is.
Two female NPC is mostly for male PC and vice versa )


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
If your goal is to have normal reproductive behavior labeled as offensive simply because you engage in abnormal behavior, i have some bad news for you.

Originally, I was so irritated by how badly you mis-characterized my post, my previous posts elsewhere and myself, all to further some homophobic agenda, that I was just going to make a super short, super insulting message and leave it at that. I've decided not to do that only because I happen to like these forums and would like to continue to post here. Even so, allow me to clarify that my opinion of you didn't just hit rock bottom, it grabbed a shovel so it could keep digging.

Oh, and just fyi, my most common posts on these boards are for a listing of pairings and fetishes. That is in no way a *request* for specific sorts of content. Of course, since you managed to mis-charactirize my question as a 'request/demand', I suppose I should make my stance abundantly clear; if the creator of a game (any game at all) includes M/M content in that game and advertises it here, I'm going to pepper them with questions to A) determine whether or not I'm interested in playing that game myself and B) increase the amount of information available about that game so others on this board can decide more easily if *they* are interested in playing it. Coincidentally, just as an example, if a game creator wants to force you to slog through dozens of watermelon titbeasts before you have a chance to see a single cock, that's their right, and I won't try to change their mind. That said, I would want to know about it long LONG before I clicked a download link.

Edit: Since you clearly weren't aware, straight men often fantasize about lesbian sex, and straight women often fantasize about gay sex. This is an established fact, so your falsified percentages and opinions on normality were irrelevant even before you trotted them out.

Edit 2: It's perfectly normal, and to be expected, that when someone says 'I don't see the point' that someone will explain the point to them. This is because 'I don't see the point' is essentially identical from a lingual perspective to 'I don't understand why'. Thus when 'why' is explained, that is in no way 'doubling down'.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

Technically I don't see any problems. Practically I don't see the point.

Exactly what part of that statement says to you, "I don't understand what you are requesting?"

If you can't see the reason explaining a simple matter in excruciating detail would be insulting when someone tells you they don't see the point in implementing your request would be at the least, insulting; or at the worst, badgering...

Then i don't see the point in explaining it to you.

None the less, the badgering worked... You got what you wanted, so i will desist in further replies to the thread.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I look forward to the games interesting content, and plan to join HufflePuff.
Because when i hear that name it makes me think of a fluffy animal puffing its cheeks out in frustration.

@Everyone else
What the heck is with this discussion?
Because I don't see any point in it so far.

Current facts:
- agl states facts about the game.
- karunama asks if it would be possible to disable hetero content, which would improve player base and his own self enjoyment of the game.
- agl says he can but see's no point (bad choice in words btw...).
- majesticimpurities bluntly tells agl a pro to being able to disable hetero content.
- buffmuffin in a kinda rude and homophobic way decides to try and provide facts as to their views on society.
( @buffmuffin after reading your starting comment, i did'nt see anyone being offended until you posted your first reply?)
- IvoryOwl to the rescue!
- stopped giving a care after that....

From what i can see buffmuffin started an unneeded argument.
Internet troll?
Or naive homophobe?
Only two options i see with my current personal beliefs, and lazy reading habits.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Exactly what part of that statement says to you, "I don't understand what you are requesting?"

There was no request, nor any badgering. Your insistence on mischaracterizing the words of others is the source of the ire directed at you, in case you couldn't figure that out. Coincidentally, from what I read, he didn't say anything about disabling hetero content, only lesbian and gay content (AKA; 'slash').

To answer your question, as I explained earlier the phrase 'practically I don't see the point.' literally means that exact thing. If you want to claim that it was a bad choice of words on his part and/or that it was insulting for us to take it that way, that's fine. However, no one will respond well to you constantly putting words in their mouth.

Now that that is (hopefully) over, @agl It says you'll be able to raise your skills to interact with others; will that be something like the Persona series' interaction system or is it something completely different?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
The internet, it knows what I want.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Now that that is (hopefully) over, @agl It says you'll be able to raise your skills to interact with others; will that be something like the Persona series' interaction system or is it something completely different?
I wasn't play Persona series, so I can't answer your question.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I wasn't play Persona series, so I can't answer your question.

In the Persona games, you generally get to roadblocks in your social encounters where you need certain skill levels in order to progress your relationships. For example, the nerdy kid won't take you seriously past a certain point until you raise your academics high enough. That sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Yes, we are planning something similar. You need to have a certain skill and perform certain actions to meet a certain event.