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  1. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Fuck! I am just a little whore, your little whore! And I love it! You can do anything to me from now til sunrise because I am your sextoy" Luna was loving each of Winston trust.
  2. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Maybe I could live a life of the "Now" tonight and see how I like it, master" Luna was pussy was drooling at the idea 
  3. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "I would love too, but I have a family and friends that need me back home" Luna was now kissing the tip of Winston cock "You think I would make a good little pet?"
  4. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "That's awful even if living like this sounds amazing! Fuck this labyrinth is really messing with me." Luna was getting wetter at the idea. Her hands were now jerking off Winston massive cock.
  5. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Even compared to me you are wiser, you got me out of your village... Fuck just right here!" Luna said as Winston finger were caressing her clit "Without you I was gonna end up beign some badger fuck toy. What happens to the other person that were not as lucky as me?"
  6. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "You seems wiser than you look Winston" Luna pussy was already getting wet, at the same time her hand was teasing both the penis and the pussy of the badger herm.
  7. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Dunno a special fruit that could give us waterbreating. Speaking of water why your kind fear the beach?" Luna just sat in Winston lap
  8. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "I thought that maybe you could help us out..." Luna said while aproching Winston
  9. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Maybe" Luna said with a smile. "But I am here because the door is underwater, it's too deep for us to reach. You know this place very well, maybe you could help us reach the cave?"
  10. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Thank you Wendy for helping us out... You know you could just have got out of here without us... But you decided to help us out" Luna said to Wendy "It's getting I will go to my meeting point see if my friend is there" 
  11. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Nop I was waiting on repti to continue 
  12. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Why are you fearing being naked in front of three woman you had sex with them, it's not a crime you know" Luna said while swimming and enjoying the water.
  13. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    Luna jumped in the water showing her swimming skill. Luna looked quite in her element in the water but some additional experience could help. "Are you afraid Umi? The water is just at the perfect temperature"
  14. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    Luna made the same move as Wendy but in way more flexible way "My cat heritage, even if I don't look like one now, is kinda making me super flexible" 
  15. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "I am fairly good in the water, my home planet was a giant jungle, swimming was required if you wanted to travel anywhere, because of all the river and marshy area" Luna was already knee deep in the water "The water is quite good" 
  16. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Alright let's start these swimming class" Luna said while removing her clothes.
  17. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    Luna wrote her message on the piece of drift wood. "Winston it's Luna. Look like I am stuck on this island of few more months. If you want to see me again meet me here at the sunset" the message said. Luna took her piece of wood and placed it 10 minutes away from wendy hut near the woods
  18. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "They observe us all the time. I could leave her a note near the beach, setting a meeting place and time" Luna said while taking a piece if drift wood and some charcoal.
  19. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Maybe I could ask the friend I made in the forest?" Luna said trying to think something out 
  20. Annamalia

    Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)

    "Three months ?  Are you sure we don't have any other solution? " Luna was visibly shaken by the revelation of wendy